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Fixed bug 2454 - Crash when loading some XPM files
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Jeff Pohlmeyer

The attached XPM file causes a segfault in the "showimage" test program.
  • Loading branch information
slouken committed Apr 18, 2014
1 parent 117b9e6 commit 4bd3e55
Showing 1 changed file with 52 additions and 49 deletions.
101 changes: 52 additions & 49 deletions IMG_xpm.c
Expand Up @@ -107,24 +107,24 @@ static struct color_hash *create_colorhash(int maxnum)
/* we know how many entries we need, so we can allocate
everything here */
hash = (struct color_hash *)SDL_malloc(sizeof *hash);
if (!hash)
return NULL;

/* use power-of-2 sized hash table for decoding speed */
for(s = STARTING_HASH_SIZE; s < maxnum; s <<= 1)
for (s = STARTING_HASH_SIZE; s < maxnum; s <<= 1)
hash->size = s;
hash->maxnum = maxnum;
bytes = hash->size * sizeof(struct hash_entry **);
hash->entries = NULL; /* in case malloc fails */
hash->table = (struct hash_entry **)SDL_malloc(bytes);
if(!hash->table) {
if (!hash->table) {
return NULL;
memset(hash->table, 0, bytes);
hash->entries = (struct hash_entry *)SDL_malloc(maxnum * sizeof(struct hash_entry));
if(!hash->entries) {
if (!hash->entries) {
return NULL;
Expand All @@ -151,8 +151,8 @@ static int add_colorhash(struct color_hash *hash,
static Uint32 get_colorhash(struct color_hash *hash, const char *key, int cpp)
struct hash_entry *entry = hash->table[hash_key(key, cpp, hash->size)];
while(entry) {
if(SDL_memcmp(key, entry->key, cpp) == 0)
while (entry) {
if (SDL_memcmp(key, entry->key, cpp) == 0)
return entry->color;
entry = entry->next;
Expand All @@ -161,10 +161,10 @@ static Uint32 get_colorhash(struct color_hash *hash, const char *key, int cpp)

static void free_colorhash(struct color_hash *hash)
if(hash) {
if (hash) {
if (hash->table)
if (hash->entries)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -867,7 +867,7 @@ static int color_to_rgb(char *spec, int speclen, Uint32 *rgb)
{"none", 0xFFFFFF}

if(spec[0] == '#') {
if (spec[0] == '#') {
char buf[7];
switch(speclen) {
case 4:
Expand All @@ -892,8 +892,8 @@ static int color_to_rgb(char *spec, int speclen, Uint32 *rgb)
return 1;
} else {
int i;
for(i = 0; i < SDL_arraysize(known); i++)
if(SDL_strncasecmp(known[i].name, spec, speclen) == 0) {
for (i = 0; i < SDL_arraysize(known); i++)
if (SDL_strncasecmp(known[i].name, spec, speclen) == 0) {
*rgb = known[i].rgb;
return 1;
Expand All @@ -918,54 +918,54 @@ static char *get_next_line(char ***lines, SDL_RWops *src, int len)
char *linebufnew;

if(lines) {
if (lines) {
return *(*lines)++;
} else {
char c;
int n;
do {
if(SDL_RWread(src, &c, 1, 1) <= 0) {
if (SDL_RWread(src, &c, 1, 1) <= 0) {
error = "Premature end of data";
return NULL;
} while(c != '"');
if(len) {
} while (c != '"');
if (len) {
len += 4; /* "\",\n\0" */
if(len > buflen){
if (len > buflen){
buflen = len;
linebufnew = (char *)SDL_realloc(linebuf, buflen);
if(!linebufnew) {
if (!linebufnew) {
error = "Out of memory";
return NULL;
linebuf = linebufnew;
if(SDL_RWread(src, linebuf, len - 1, 1) <= 0) {
if (SDL_RWread(src, linebuf, len - 1, 1) <= 0) {
error = "Premature end of data";
return NULL;
n = len - 2;
} else {
n = 0;
do {
if(n >= buflen - 1) {
if(buflen == 0)
if (n >= buflen - 1) {
if (buflen == 0)
buflen = 16;
buflen *= 2;
linebufnew = (char *)SDL_realloc(linebuf, buflen);
if(!linebufnew) {
if (!linebufnew) {
error = "Out of memory";
return NULL;
linebuf = linebufnew;
if(SDL_RWread(src, linebuf + n, 1, 1) <= 0) {
if (SDL_RWread(src, linebuf + n, 1, 1) <= 0) {
error = "Premature end of data";
return NULL;
} while(linebuf[n++] != '"');
} while (linebuf[n++] != '"');
linebuf[n] = '\0';
Expand All @@ -975,15 +975,15 @@ static char *get_next_line(char ***lines, SDL_RWops *src, int len)

#define SKIPSPACE(p) \
do { \
while(SDL_isspace((unsigned char)*(p))) \
while (SDL_isspace((unsigned char)*(p))) \
++(p); \
} while(0)
} while (0)

#define SKIPNONSPACE(p) \
do { \
while(!SDL_isspace((unsigned char)*(p)) && *p) \
while (!SDL_isspace((unsigned char)*(p)) && *p) \
++(p); \
} while(0)
} while (0)

/* read XPM from either array or RWops */
static SDL_Surface *load_xpm(char **xpm, SDL_RWops *src)
Expand All @@ -1006,14 +1006,14 @@ static SDL_Surface *load_xpm(char **xpm, SDL_RWops *src)
linebuf = NULL;
buflen = 0;

if ( src )
if (src)
start = SDL_RWtell(src);

if (xpm)
xpmlines = &xpm;

line = get_next_line(xpmlines, src, 0);
if (!line)
goto done;
* The header string of an XPMv3 image has the format
Expand All @@ -1024,21 +1024,21 @@ static SDL_Surface *load_xpm(char **xpm, SDL_RWops *src)
* Right now we don't use the hotspots but it should be handled
* one day.
if(SDL_sscanf(line, "%d %d %d %d", &w, &h, &ncolors, &cpp) != 4
if (SDL_sscanf(line, "%d %d %d %d", &w, &h, &ncolors, &cpp) != 4
|| w <= 0 || h <= 0 || ncolors <= 0 || cpp <= 0) {
error = "Invalid format description";
goto done;

keystrings = (char *)SDL_malloc(ncolors * cpp);
if(!keystrings) {
if (!keystrings) {
error = "Out of memory";
goto done;
nextkey = keystrings;

/* Create the new surface */
if(ncolors <= 256) {
if (ncolors <= 256) {
indexed = 1;
image = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, w, h, 8,
0, 0, 0, 0);
Expand All @@ -1049,7 +1049,7 @@ static SDL_Surface *load_xpm(char **xpm, SDL_RWops *src)
image = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, w, h, 32,
0xff0000, 0x00ff00, 0x0000ff, 0);
if(!image) {
if (!image) {
/* Hmm, some SDL error (out of memory?) */
goto done;
Expand All @@ -1060,22 +1060,22 @@ static SDL_Surface *load_xpm(char **xpm, SDL_RWops *src)
error = "Out of memory";
goto done;
for(index = 0; index < ncolors; ++index ) {
for (index = 0; index < ncolors; ++index ) {
char *p;
line = get_next_line(xpmlines, src, 0);
if (!line)
goto done;

p = line + cpp + 1;

/* parse a colour definition */
for(;;) {
for (;;) {
char nametype;
char *colname;
Uint32 rgb, pixel;

if(!*p) {
if (!*p) {
error = "colour parse error";
goto done;
Expand All @@ -1084,14 +1084,14 @@ static SDL_Surface *load_xpm(char **xpm, SDL_RWops *src)
colname = p;
if(nametype == 's')
if (nametype == 's')
continue; /* skip symbolic colour names */

if(!color_to_rgb(colname, p - colname, &rgb))
if (!color_to_rgb(colname, p - colname, &rgb))

SDL_memcpy(nextkey, line, cpp);
if(indexed) {
if (indexed) {
SDL_Color *c = im_colors + index;
c->r = (Uint8)(rgb >> 16);
c->g = (Uint8)(rgb >> 8);
Expand All @@ -1101,7 +1101,7 @@ static SDL_Surface *load_xpm(char **xpm, SDL_RWops *src)
pixel = rgb;
add_colorhash(colors, nextkey, cpp, pixel);
nextkey += cpp;
if(rgb == 0xffffffff)
if (rgb == 0xffffffff)
SDL_SetColorKey(image, SDL_TRUE, pixel);
Expand All @@ -1110,16 +1110,19 @@ static SDL_Surface *load_xpm(char **xpm, SDL_RWops *src)
/* Read the pixels */
pixels_len = w * cpp;
dst = (Uint8 *)image->pixels;
for(y = 0; y < h; y++) {
for (y = 0; y < h; y++) {
line = get_next_line(xpmlines, src, pixels_len);
if(indexed) {
if (!line)
goto done;

if (indexed) {
/* optimization for some common cases */
if(cpp == 1)
for(x = 0; x < w; x++)
if (cpp == 1)
for (x = 0; x < w; x++)
dst[x] = (Uint8)QUICK_COLORHASH(colors,
line + x);
for(x = 0; x < w; x++)
for (x = 0; x < w; x++)
dst[x] = (Uint8)get_colorhash(colors,
line + x * cpp,
Expand All @@ -1133,7 +1136,7 @@ static SDL_Surface *load_xpm(char **xpm, SDL_RWops *src)

if(error) {
if (error) {
if ( src )
SDL_RWseek(src, start, RW_SEEK_SET);
if ( image ) {
Expand Down

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