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Better XInput detection code for DirectInput device enumeration.
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This code is way faster than the Wbem code, and less ugly.
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icculus committed Aug 28, 2013
1 parent 540cb53 commit c89e046
Showing 1 changed file with 52 additions and 154 deletions.
206 changes: 52 additions & 154 deletions src/joystick/windows/SDL_dxjoystick.c
Expand Up @@ -46,33 +46,9 @@
#include "../../events/SDL_events_c.h"

/* The latest version of mingw-w64 defines IID_IWbemLocator in wbemcli.h
instead of declaring it like Visual Studio and other mingw32 compilers.
So, we need to take care of this here before we define INITGUID.
#ifdef __MINGW32__
#define __IWbemLocator_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
#endif /* __MINGW32__ */

#define INITGUID /* Only set here, if set twice will cause mingw32 to break. */
#include "SDL_dxjoystick_c.h"

#ifdef __MINGW32__
/* And now that we've included wbemcli.h we need to declare these interfaces */
typedef struct IWbemLocatorVtbl {
HRESULT (WINAPI *QueryInterface)(IWbemLocator *This,REFIID riid,void **ppvObject);
ULONG (WINAPI *AddRef)(IWbemLocator *This);
ULONG (WINAPI *Release)(IWbemLocator *This);
HRESULT (WINAPI *ConnectServer)(IWbemLocator *This,const BSTR strNetworkResource,const BSTR strUser,const BSTR strPassword,const BSTR strLocale,LONG lSecurityFlags,const BSTR strAuthority,IWbemContext *pCtx,IWbemServices **ppNamespace);
} IWbemLocatorVtbl;
struct IWbemLocator {
CONST_VTBL struct IWbemLocatorVtbl *lpVtbl;
#define IWbemLocator_ConnectServer(This,strNetworkResource,strUser,strPassword,strLocale,lSecurityFlags,strAuthority,pCtx,ppNamespace) (This)->lpVtbl->ConnectServer(This,strNetworkResource,strUser,strPassword,strLocale,lSecurityFlags,strAuthority,pCtx,ppNamespace)
#endif /* __MINGW32__ */

#define DIDFT_OPTIONAL 0x80000000
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -396,156 +372,75 @@ SetDIerror(const char *function, HRESULT code)
} \

DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_WbemLocator, 0x4590f811,0x1d3a,0x11d0,0x89,0x1F,0x00,0xaa,0x00,0x4b,0x2e,0x24);
DEFINE_GUID(IID_IWbemLocator, 0xdc12a687,0x737f,0x11cf,0x88,0x4d,0x00,0xaa,0x00,0x4b,0x2e,0x24);

DEFINE_GUID(IID_ValveStreamingGamepad, MAKELONG( 0x28DE, 0x11FF ),0x0000,0x0000,0x00,0x00,0x50,0x49,0x44,0x56,0x49,0x44);
DEFINE_GUID(IID_X360WiredGamepad, MAKELONG( 0x045E, 0x02A1 ),0x0000,0x0000,0x00,0x00,0x50,0x49,0x44,0x56,0x49,0x44);
DEFINE_GUID(IID_X360WirelessGamepad, MAKELONG( 0x045E, 0x028E ),0x0000,0x0000,0x00,0x00,0x50,0x49,0x44,0x56,0x49,0x44);

* code from MSDN:
* Enum each PNP device using WMI and check each device ID to see if it contains
* "IG_" (ex. "VID_045E&PID_028E&IG_00"). If it does, then it's an XInput device
* Unfortunately this information can not be found by just using DirectInput
BOOL IsXInputDevice( const GUID* pGuidProductFromDirectInput )
static UINT SDL_RawDevListCount = 0;

static SDL_bool
SDL_IsXInputDevice( const GUID* pGuidProductFromDirectInput )
static const GUID *s_XInputProductGUID[] = {
&IID_X360WiredGamepad, /* Microsoft's wired X360 controller for Windows. */
&IID_X360WirelessGamepad /* Microsoft's wireless X360 controller for Windows. */
IWbemLocator* pIWbemLocator = NULL;
IEnumWbemClassObject* pEnumDevices = NULL;
IWbemClassObject* pDevices[20];
IWbemServices* pIWbemServices = NULL;
DWORD uReturned = 0;
BSTR bstrNamespace = NULL;
BSTR bstrDeviceID = NULL;
BSTR bstrClassName = NULL;
SDL_bool bIsXinputDevice= SDL_FALSE;
UINT iDevice = 0;
DWORD bCleanupCOM;

if (!s_bXInputEnabled)

size_t iDevice;
SDL_bool retval = SDL_FALSE;

if (!s_bXInputEnabled) {
return SDL_FALSE;

/* Check for well known XInput device GUIDs */
/* We need to do this for the Valve Streaming Gamepad because it's virtualized and doesn't show up in the device list. */
/* This lets us skip RAWINPUT for popular devices. Also, we need to do this for the Valve Streaming Gamepad because it's virtualized and doesn't show up in the device list. */
for ( iDevice = 0; iDevice < SDL_arraysize(s_XInputProductGUID); ++iDevice ) {
if (SDL_memcmp(pGuidProductFromDirectInput, s_XInputProductGUID[iDevice], sizeof(GUID)) == 0) {
return SDL_TRUE;

SDL_memset( pDevices, 0x0, sizeof(pDevices) );

/* CoInit if needed */
hr = CoInitialize(NULL);
bCleanupCOM = SUCCEEDED(hr);

/* Create WMI */
hr = CoCreateInstance( &CLSID_WbemLocator,
(LPVOID*) &pIWbemLocator);
if( FAILED(hr) || pIWbemLocator == NULL )
goto LCleanup;

bstrNamespace = SysAllocString( L"\\\\.\\root\\cimv2" );if( bstrNamespace == NULL ) goto LCleanup;
bstrClassName = SysAllocString( L"Win32_PNPEntity" ); if( bstrClassName == NULL ) goto LCleanup;
bstrDeviceID = SysAllocString( L"DeviceID" ); if( bstrDeviceID == NULL ) goto LCleanup;

/* Connect to WMI */
hr = IWbemLocator_ConnectServer( pIWbemLocator, bstrNamespace, NULL, NULL, 0L,
0L, NULL, NULL, &pIWbemServices );
if( FAILED(hr) || pIWbemServices == NULL )
goto LCleanup;

/* Switch security level to IMPERSONATE. */
CoSetProxyBlanket( (IUnknown *)pIWbemServices, RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, NULL,

hr = IWbemServices_CreateInstanceEnum( pIWbemServices, bstrClassName, 0, NULL, &pEnumDevices );
if( FAILED(hr) || pEnumDevices == NULL )
goto LCleanup;

/* Loop over all devices */
for( ;; )
/* Get 20 at a time */
hr = IEnumWbemClassObject_Next( pEnumDevices, 10000, 20, pDevices, &uReturned );
if( FAILED(hr) )
goto LCleanup;
if( uReturned == 0 )

for( iDevice=0; iDevice<uReturned; iDevice++ )
/* For each device, get its device ID */
hr = IWbemClassObject_Get( pDevices[iDevice], bstrDeviceID, 0L, &var, NULL, NULL );
if( SUCCEEDED( hr ) && var.vt == VT_BSTR && var.bstrVal != NULL )
/* Check if the device ID contains "IG_". If it does, then it's an XInput device */
/* This information can not be found from DirectInput */
char *pDeviceString = WIN_StringToUTF8( var.bstrVal );
if( SDL_strstr( pDeviceString, "IG_" ) )
/* If it does, then get the VID/PID from var.bstrVal */
long dwPid = 0, dwVid = 0;
char * strPid = NULL;
DWORD dwVidPid = 0;
char * strVid = SDL_strstr( pDeviceString, "VID_" );
if( strVid )
dwVid = SDL_strtol( strVid + 4, NULL, 16 );
strPid = SDL_strstr( pDeviceString, "PID_" );
if( strPid )
dwPid = SDL_strtol( strPid + 4, NULL, 16 );
/* Go through RAWINPUT (WinXP and later) to find HID devices. */
/* Cache this if we end up using it. */
if (SDL_RawDevList == NULL) {
if ((GetRawInputDeviceList(NULL, &SDL_RawDevListCount, sizeof (RAWINPUTDEVICELIST)) == -1) || (!SDL_RawDevListCount)) {
return SDL_FALSE; /* oh well. */

/* Compare the VID/PID to the DInput device */
dwVidPid = MAKELONG( dwVid, dwPid );
if( dwVidPid == pGuidProductFromDirectInput->Data1 )
bIsXinputDevice = SDL_TRUE;
if ( pDeviceString )
SDL_free( pDeviceString );
if (SDL_RawDevList == NULL) {
return SDL_FALSE;

if ( bIsXinputDevice )
SAFE_RELEASE( pDevices[iDevice] );
if (GetRawInputDeviceList(SDL_RawDevList, &SDL_RawDevListCount, sizeof (RAWINPUTDEVICELIST)) == -1) {
SDL_RawDevList = NULL;
return SDL_FALSE; /* oh well. */


for( iDevice=0; iDevice<20; iDevice++ )
SAFE_RELEASE( pDevices[iDevice] );
SAFE_RELEASE( pEnumDevices );
SAFE_RELEASE( pIWbemLocator );
SAFE_RELEASE( pIWbemServices );

if ( bstrNamespace )
SysFreeString( bstrNamespace );
if ( bstrClassName )
SysFreeString( bstrClassName );
if ( bstrDeviceID )
SysFreeString( bstrDeviceID );

if( bCleanupCOM )
for (i = 0; i < SDL_RawDevListCount; i++) {
char devName[128];
UINT rdiSize = sizeof (rdi);
UINT nameSize = SDL_arraysize(devName);

rdi.cbSize = sizeof (rdi);
if ( (SDL_RawDevList[i].dwType == RIM_TYPEHID) &&
(GetRawInputDeviceInfoA(SDL_RawDevList[i].hDevice, RIDI_DEVICEINFO, &rdi, &rdiSize) != ((UINT)-1)) &&
(MAKELONG(rdi.hid.dwVendorId, rdi.hid.dwProductId) == ((LONG)pGuidProductFromDirectInput->Data1)) &&
(GetRawInputDeviceInfoA(SDL_RawDevList[i].hDevice, RIDI_DEVICENAME, devName, &nameSize) != ((UINT)-1)) &&
(SDL_strstr(devName, "IG_") != NULL) ) {
return SDL_TRUE;

return bIsXinputDevice;
return SDL_FALSE;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -808,7 +703,7 @@ static BOOL CALLBACK

s_bDeviceAdded = SDL_TRUE;

bXInputDevice = IsXInputDevice( &pdidInstance->guidProduct );
bXInputDevice = SDL_IsXInputDevice( &pdidInstance->guidProduct );

pNewJoystick = (JoyStick_DeviceData *)SDL_malloc( sizeof(JoyStick_DeviceData) );

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -872,6 +767,9 @@ void SDL_SYS_JoystickDetect()

SDL_free(SDL_RawDevList); /* in case we used this. */
SDL_RawDevList = NULL;

SDL_UnlockMutex( s_mutexJoyStickEnum );

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