Build: $ emconfigure ./configure --host=asmjs-unknown-emscripten --disable-assembly --disable-threads --enable-cpuinfo=false CFLAGS="-O2" $ emmake make Or with cmake: $ emconfigure cmake .. $ make To build one of the tests: $ cd test/ $ emcc -O2 --js-opts 0 -g4 testdraw2.c -I../include ../build/.libs/libSDL2.a ../build/libSDL2_test.a -o a.html Uses GLES2 renderer or software tests: Some other SDL2 libraries can be easily built (assuming SDL2 is installed somewhere): SDL_mixer ( $ EMCONFIGURE_JS=1 emconfigure ../configure build as usual... SDL_gfx ( $ EMCONFIGURE_JS=1 emconfigure ../configure --disable-mmx build as usual...