Use the Xcode command files (located in the Xcode-iOS/build-scripts folder) to conveniently generate a workspace for Xcode 3 or Xcode 4. It also contains a cleaner script and a convenient script for automatically running all the test suites. The iOS project will be referencing all files related to the top-level iOS project. The core library will use the top-level include and src directories, just like the other generated projects, but it will build projects for each of the Demos in the top-level Xcode-iOS folder. These projects will have any resources they need copied to be copied over and included as resources. They will also reference the Info.plist file in Xcode-iOS/Demos. iOS support is currently experimental, but it should work just fine for any and all applications. All of the demos that work from the manually-created Xcode projects also work for the generated projects. There are a few minor things that need improving, but nothing major. The iOS projects have no major dependencies other than the ones in the manual Xcode-iOS project. Those are: -AudioToolbox.framework -QuartzCore.framework -OpenGLES.framework -CoreGraphics.framework -UIKit.framework -Foundation.framework -CoreAudio.framework -CoreMotion.framework All of these frameworks are part of the iOS SDK, not part of the core OS X system. Run the clean script to clear out the directory of Xcode-related files and binaries.