MinGW requires both the MinGW system and MSYS. There is a script for generating a series of GNU makefiles targeted at MinGW on Windows. These makefiles will build the SDL library and test executables with static links to libgcc and the same features as the Visual Studio builds. That is, they have full OpenGL support and they have no dependency on MinGW. After generating the scripts, simply navigate to the directory in a MSYS terminal and execute: make If you wish to clean the directory, you can use either the clean batch file, or call: make clean The former will remove the actual makefiles and the latter will perform a typical clean operation. You can target specific build configurations as such: make config=debug Verbosity is initially set to off. All verbosity controls is whether the resulting gcc and ar commands are printed to the console. You can enable verbose output by setting verbose to any value: make verbose=1 There is currently no install target, but that is intended eventually. Ben: There is no DirectX support currently, but you can use the command option '--directx' when generating the makefiles to explicitly force the DirectX dependency on. This may have undefined behavior, so use it cautiously.