/* Test program to test dynamic loading with the loadso subsystem. */ #include #include #include "SDL.h" typedef int (*fntype) (const char *); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int retval = 0; int hello = 0; const char *libname = NULL; const char *symname = NULL; void *lib = NULL; fntype fn = NULL; if (argc != 3) { const char *app = argv[0]; fprintf(stderr, "USAGE: %s \n", app); fprintf(stderr, " %s --hello \n", app); return 1; } /* Initialize SDL */ if (SDL_Init(0) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't initialize SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); return 2; } if (strcmp(argv[1], "--hello") == 0) { hello = 1; libname = argv[2]; symname = "puts"; } else { libname = argv[1]; symname = argv[2]; } lib = SDL_LoadObject(libname); if (lib == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "SDL_LoadObject('%s') failed: %s\n", libname, SDL_GetError()); retval = 3; } else { fn = (fntype) SDL_LoadFunction(lib, symname); if (fn == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "SDL_LoadFunction('%s') failed: %s\n", symname, SDL_GetError()); retval = 4; } else { printf("Found %s in %s at %p\n", symname, libname, fn); if (hello) { printf("Calling function...\n"); fflush(stdout); fn(" HELLO, WORLD!\n"); printf("...apparently, we survived. :)\n"); printf("Unloading library...\n"); fflush(stdout); } } SDL_UnloadObject(lib); } SDL_Quit(); return (0); }