/* SDL_mixer: An audio mixer library based on the SDL library Copyright (C) 1997-2017 Sam Lantinga This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. */ #ifdef MUSIC_OGG /* This file supports Ogg Vorbis music streams */ #include "SDL_loadso.h" #include "music_ogg.h" #if defined(OGG_HEADER) #include OGG_HEADER #elif defined(OGG_USE_TREMOR) #include #else #include #endif typedef struct { int loaded; void *handle; int (*ov_clear)(OggVorbis_File *vf); vorbis_info *(*ov_info)(OggVorbis_File *vf,int link); vorbis_comment *(*ov_comment)(OggVorbis_File *vf,int link); int (*ov_open_callbacks)(void *datasource, OggVorbis_File *vf, const char *initial, long ibytes, ov_callbacks callbacks); ogg_int64_t (*ov_pcm_total)(OggVorbis_File *vf,int i); #ifdef OGG_USE_TREMOR long (*ov_read)(OggVorbis_File *vf,char *buffer,int length, int *bitstream); #else long (*ov_read)(OggVorbis_File *vf,char *buffer,int length, int bigendianp,int word,int sgned,int *bitstream); #endif #ifdef OGG_USE_TREMOR int (*ov_time_seek)(OggVorbis_File *vf,ogg_int64_t pos); #else int (*ov_time_seek)(OggVorbis_File *vf,double pos); #endif int (*ov_pcm_seek)(OggVorbis_File *vf, ogg_int64_t pos); ogg_int64_t (*ov_pcm_tell)(OggVorbis_File *vf); } vorbis_loader; static vorbis_loader vorbis = { 0, NULL }; #ifdef OGG_DYNAMIC #define FUNCTION_LOADER(FUNC, SIG) \ vorbis.FUNC = (SIG) SDL_LoadFunction(vorbis.handle, #FUNC); \ if (vorbis.FUNC == NULL) { SDL_UnloadObject(vorbis.handle); return -1; } #else #define FUNCTION_LOADER(FUNC, SIG) \ vorbis.FUNC = FUNC; #endif static int OGG_Load(void) { if (vorbis.loaded == 0) { #ifdef OGG_DYNAMIC vorbis.handle = SDL_LoadObject(OGG_DYNAMIC); if (vorbis.handle == NULL) { return -1; } #elif defined(__MACOSX__) extern int ov_open_callbacks(void*, OggVorbis_File*, const char*, long, ov_callbacks) __attribute__((weak_import)); if (ov_open_callbacks == NULL) { /* Missing weakly linked framework */ Mix_SetError("Missing Vorbis.framework"); return -1; } #endif FUNCTION_LOADER(ov_clear, int (*)(OggVorbis_File *)) FUNCTION_LOADER(ov_info, vorbis_info *(*)(OggVorbis_File *,int)) FUNCTION_LOADER(ov_comment, vorbis_comment *(*)(OggVorbis_File *,int)) FUNCTION_LOADER(ov_open_callbacks, int (*)(void *, OggVorbis_File *, const char *, long, ov_callbacks)) FUNCTION_LOADER(ov_pcm_total, ogg_int64_t (*)(OggVorbis_File *,int)) #ifdef OGG_USE_TREMOR FUNCTION_LOADER(ov_read, long (*)(OggVorbis_File *,char *,int,int *)) FUNCTION_LOADER(ov_time_seek, long (*)(OggVorbis_File *,ogg_int64_t)) #else FUNCTION_LOADER(ov_read, long (*)(OggVorbis_File *,char *,int,int,int,int,int *)) FUNCTION_LOADER(ov_time_seek, int (*)(OggVorbis_File *,double)) #endif FUNCTION_LOADER(ov_pcm_seek, int (*)(OggVorbis_File *,ogg_int64_t)) FUNCTION_LOADER(ov_pcm_tell, ogg_int64_t (*)(OggVorbis_File *)) } ++vorbis.loaded; return 0; } static void OGG_Unload(void) { if (vorbis.loaded == 0) { return; } if (vorbis.loaded == 1) { #ifdef OGG_DYNAMIC SDL_UnloadObject(vorbis.handle); #endif } --vorbis.loaded; } typedef struct { SDL_RWops *src; int freesrc; int play_count; int volume; OggVorbis_File vf; vorbis_info vi; int section; SDL_AudioStream *stream; char *buffer; int buffer_size; int loop; ogg_int64_t loop_start; ogg_int64_t loop_end; ogg_int64_t loop_len; ogg_int64_t channels; } OGG_music; static int set_ov_error(const char *function, int error) { #define HANDLE_ERROR_CASE(X) case X: Mix_SetError("%s: %s", function, #X); break; switch (error) { HANDLE_ERROR_CASE(OV_FALSE); HANDLE_ERROR_CASE(OV_EOF); HANDLE_ERROR_CASE(OV_HOLE); HANDLE_ERROR_CASE(OV_EREAD); HANDLE_ERROR_CASE(OV_EFAULT); HANDLE_ERROR_CASE(OV_EIMPL); HANDLE_ERROR_CASE(OV_EINVAL); HANDLE_ERROR_CASE(OV_ENOTVORBIS); HANDLE_ERROR_CASE(OV_EBADHEADER); HANDLE_ERROR_CASE(OV_EVERSION); HANDLE_ERROR_CASE(OV_ENOTAUDIO); HANDLE_ERROR_CASE(OV_EBADPACKET); HANDLE_ERROR_CASE(OV_EBADLINK); HANDLE_ERROR_CASE(OV_ENOSEEK); default: Mix_SetError("%s: unknown error %d\n", function, error); break; } return -1; } static size_t sdl_read_func(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *datasource) { return SDL_RWread((SDL_RWops*)datasource, ptr, size, nmemb); } static int sdl_seek_func(void *datasource, ogg_int64_t offset, int whence) { return (int)SDL_RWseek((SDL_RWops*)datasource, offset, whence); } static long sdl_tell_func(void *datasource) { return (long)SDL_RWtell((SDL_RWops*)datasource); } static int OGG_Seek(void *context, double time); static void OGG_Delete(void *context); static int OGG_UpdateSection(OGG_music *music) { vorbis_info *vi; vi = vorbis.ov_info(&music->vf, -1); if (!vi) { Mix_SetError("ov_info returned NULL"); return -1; } if (vi->channels == music->vi.channels && vi->rate == music->vi.rate) { return 0; } SDL_memcpy(&music->vi, vi, sizeof(*vi)); if (music->buffer) { SDL_free(music->buffer); music->buffer = NULL; } if (music->stream) { SDL_FreeAudioStream(music->stream); music->stream = NULL; } music->stream = SDL_NewAudioStream(AUDIO_S16, vi->channels, (int)vi->rate, music_spec.format, music_spec.channels, music_spec.freq); if (!music->stream) { return -1; } music->buffer_size = music_spec.samples * sizeof(Sint16) * vi->channels; music->buffer = (char *)SDL_malloc(music->buffer_size); if (!music->buffer) { return -1; } return 0; } /* Load an OGG stream from an SDL_RWops object */ static void *OGG_CreateFromRW(SDL_RWops *src, int freesrc) { OGG_music *music; ov_callbacks callbacks; vorbis_comment *vc; int isLoopLength = 0, i; ogg_int64_t fullLength; music = (OGG_music *)SDL_calloc(1, sizeof *music); if (!music) { SDL_OutOfMemory(); return NULL; } music->src = src; music->volume = MIX_MAX_VOLUME; music->section = -1; music->loop = -1; music->loop_start = -1; music->loop_end = 0; music->loop_len = 0; SDL_zero(callbacks); callbacks.read_func = sdl_read_func; callbacks.seek_func = sdl_seek_func; callbacks.tell_func = sdl_tell_func; if (vorbis.ov_open_callbacks(src, &music->vf, NULL, 0, callbacks) < 0) { SDL_SetError("Not an Ogg Vorbis audio stream"); SDL_free(music); return NULL; } if (OGG_UpdateSection(music) < 0) { OGG_Delete(music); return NULL; } vc = vorbis.ov_comment(&music->vf, -1); for (i = 0; i < vc->comments; i++) { char *param = SDL_strdup(vc->user_comments[i]); char *argument = param; char *value = SDL_strchr(param, '='); if (value == NULL) { value = param + SDL_strlen(param); } else { *(value++) = '\0'; } if (SDL_strcasecmp(argument, "LOOPSTART") == 0) music->loop_start = SDL_strtoull(value, NULL, 0); else if (SDL_strcasecmp(argument, "LOOPLENGTH") == 0) { music->loop_len = SDL_strtoull(value, NULL, 0); isLoopLength = 1; } else if (SDL_strcasecmp(argument, "LOOPEND") == 0) { isLoopLength = 0; music->loop_end = SDL_strtoull(value, NULL, 0); } SDL_free(param); } if (isLoopLength == 1) { music->loop_end = music->loop_start + music->loop_len; } else { music->loop_len = music->loop_end - music->loop_start; } fullLength = vorbis.ov_pcm_total(&music->vf, -1); if (((music->loop_start >= 0) || (music->loop_end > 0)) && ((music->loop_start < music->loop_end) || (music->loop_end == 0)) && (music->loop_start < fullLength) && (music->loop_end <= fullLength)) { if (music->loop_start < 0) music->loop_start = 0; if (music->loop_end == 0) music->loop_end = fullLength; music->loop = 1; } music->freesrc = freesrc; return music; } /* Set the volume for an OGG stream */ static void OGG_SetVolume(void *context, int volume) { OGG_music *music = (OGG_music *)context; music->volume = volume; } /* Start playback of a given OGG stream */ static int OGG_Play(void *context, int play_count) { OGG_music *music = (OGG_music *)context; music->play_count = play_count; return OGG_Seek(music, 0.0); } /* Play some of a stream previously started with OGG_play() */ static int OGG_GetSome(void *context, void *data, int bytes, SDL_bool *done) { OGG_music *music = (OGG_music *)context; SDL_bool looped = SDL_FALSE; int filled, amount, result; int section; ogg_int64_t pcmPos; filled = SDL_AudioStreamGet(music->stream, data, bytes); if (filled != 0) { return filled; } if (!music->play_count) { /* All done */ *done = SDL_TRUE; return 0; } section = music->section; #ifdef OGG_USE_TREMOR amount = vorbis.ov_read(&music->vf, music->buffer, music->buffer_size, §ion); #else amount = (int)vorbis.ov_read(&music->vf, music->buffer, music->buffer_size, 0, 2, 1, §ion); #endif if (amount < 0) { set_ov_error("ov_read", amount); return -1; } if (section != music->section) { music->section = section; if (OGG_UpdateSection(music) < 0) { return -1; } } pcmPos = vorbis.ov_pcm_tell(&music->vf); if ((music->loop == 1) && (pcmPos >= music->loop_end)) { amount -= (int)((pcmPos - music->loop_end) * music->channels) * sizeof(Sint16); result = vorbis.ov_pcm_seek(&music->vf, music->loop_start); if (result < 0) { set_ov_error("ov_pcm_seek", result); return -1; } looped = SDL_TRUE; } if (amount > 0) { if (SDL_AudioStreamPut(music->stream, music->buffer, amount) < 0) { return -1; } } else if (!looped) { if (music->play_count == 1) { music->play_count = 0; SDL_AudioStreamFlush(music->stream); } else { int play_count = -1; if (music->play_count > 0) { play_count = (music->play_count - 1); } if (OGG_Play(music, play_count) < 0) { return -1; } } } return 0; } static int OGG_GetAudio(void *context, void *data, int bytes) { OGG_music *music = (OGG_music *)context; return music_pcm_getaudio(context, data, bytes, music->volume, OGG_GetSome); } /* Jump (seek) to a given position (time is in seconds) */ static int OGG_Seek(void *context, double time) { OGG_music *music = (OGG_music *)context; int result; #ifdef OGG_USE_TREMOR result = vorbis.ov_time_seek(&music->vf, (ogg_int64_t)(time * 1000.0)); #else result = vorbis.ov_time_seek(&music->vf, time); #endif if (result < 0) { return set_ov_error("ov_time_seek", result); } return 0; } /* Close the given OGG stream */ static void OGG_Delete(void *context) { OGG_music *music = (OGG_music *)context; vorbis.ov_clear(&music->vf); if (music->stream) { SDL_FreeAudioStream(music->stream); } if (music->buffer) { SDL_free(music->buffer); } if (music->freesrc) { SDL_RWclose(music->src); } SDL_free(music); } Mix_MusicInterface Mix_MusicInterface_OGG = { "OGG", MIX_MUSIC_OGG, MUS_OGG, SDL_FALSE, SDL_FALSE, OGG_Load, NULL, /* Open */ OGG_CreateFromRW, NULL, /* CreateFromFile */ OGG_SetVolume, OGG_Play, NULL, /* IsPlaying */ OGG_GetAudio, OGG_Seek, NULL, /* Pause */ NULL, /* Resume */ NULL, /* Stop */ OGG_Delete, NULL, /* Close */ OGG_Unload, }; #endif /* MUSIC_OGG */ /* vi: set ts=4 sw=4 expandtab: */