/* SDL_mixer: An audio mixer library based on the SDL library Copyright (C) 1997-2017 Sam Lantinga This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. */ #include /* for strtok() and strtok_s() */ #include "SDL_hints.h" #include "SDL_timer.h" #include "SDL_mixer.h" #include "mixer.h" #include "music.h" #include "music_cmd.h" #include "music_wav.h" #include "music_mikmod.h" #include "music_modplug.h" #include "music_nativemidi.h" #include "music_fluidsynth.h" #include "music_timidity.h" #include "music_ogg.h" #include "music_mpg123.h" #include "music_mad.h" #include "music_smpeg.h" #include "music_flac.h" #include "native_midi/native_midi.h" char *music_cmd = NULL; int volatile music_active = 1; static Mix_Music * volatile music_playing = NULL; int music_loops = 0; int music_volume = MIX_MAX_VOLUME; SDL_AudioSpec music_spec; struct _Mix_Music { Mix_MusicInterface *interface; void *context; SDL_bool playing; Mix_Fading fading; int fade_step; int fade_steps; int error; }; /* Used to calculate fading steps */ static int ms_per_step; /* rcg06042009 report available decoders at runtime. */ static const char **music_decoders = NULL; static int num_decoders = 0; /* Semicolon-separated SoundFont paths */ char* soundfont_paths = NULL; /* Interfaces for the various music interfaces, ordered by priority */ static Mix_MusicInterface *s_music_interfaces[] = { #ifdef MUSIC_CMD &Mix_MusicInterface_CMD, #endif #ifdef MUSIC_WAV &Mix_MusicInterface_WAV, #endif #ifdef MUSIC_MOD_MODPLUG &Mix_MusicInterface_MODPLUG, #endif #ifdef MUSIC_MOD_MIKMOD &Mix_MusicInterface_MIKMOD, #endif #ifdef MUSIC_MID_FLUIDSYNTH &Mix_MusicInterface_FLUIDSYNTH, #endif #ifdef MUSIC_MID_TIMIDITY &Mix_MusicInterface_TIMIDITY, #endif #ifdef MUSIC_MID_NATIVE &Mix_MusicInterface_NATIVEMIDI, #endif #ifdef MUSIC_OGG &Mix_MusicInterface_OGG, #endif #ifdef MUSIC_MP3_MPG123 &Mix_MusicInterface_MPG123, #endif #ifdef MUSIC_MP3_MAD &Mix_MusicInterface_MAD, #endif #ifdef MUSIC_MP3_SMPEG &Mix_MusicInterface_SMPEG, #endif #ifdef MUSIC_FLAC &Mix_MusicInterface_FLAC, #endif }; int get_num_music_interfaces(void) { return SDL_arraysize(s_music_interfaces); } Mix_MusicInterface *get_music_interface(int index) { return s_music_interfaces[index]; } int Mix_GetNumMusicDecoders(void) { return(num_decoders); } const char *Mix_GetMusicDecoder(int index) { if ((index < 0) || (index >= num_decoders)) { return NULL; } return(music_decoders[index]); } static void add_music_decoder(const char *decoder) { void *ptr = SDL_realloc((void *)music_decoders, (num_decoders + 1) * sizeof (const char *)); if (ptr == NULL) { return; /* oh well, go on without it. */ } music_decoders = (const char **) ptr; music_decoders[num_decoders++] = decoder; } /* Local low-level functions prototypes */ static void music_internal_initialize_volume(void); static void music_internal_volume(int volume); static int music_internal_play(Mix_Music *music, double position); static int music_internal_position(double position); static SDL_bool music_internal_playing(void); static void music_internal_halt(void); /* Support for hooking when the music has finished */ static void (*music_finished_hook)(void) = NULL; void Mix_HookMusicFinished(void (*music_finished)(void)) { Mix_LockAudio(); music_finished_hook = music_finished; Mix_UnlockAudio(); } /* If music isn't playing, halt it if no looping is required, restart it */ /* otherwise. NOP if the music is playing */ static int music_halt_or_loop(void) { /* Restart music if it has to loop */ if (!music_internal_playing()) { /* Native MIDI handles looping internally */ if (music_playing->interface->api == MIX_MUSIC_NATIVEMIDI) { music_loops = 0; } /* Restart music if it has to loop at a high level */ if (music_loops) { Mix_Fading current_fade; if (music_loops > 0) { --music_loops; } current_fade = music_playing->fading; music_internal_play(music_playing, 0.0); music_playing->fading = current_fade; } else { music_internal_halt(); if (music_finished_hook) music_finished_hook(); return 0; } } return 1; } /* Mixing function */ void music_mixer(void *udata, Uint8 *stream, int len) { if (music_playing && music_active) { /* Handle fading */ if (music_playing->fading != MIX_NO_FADING) { if (music_playing->fade_step++ < music_playing->fade_steps) { int volume; int fade_step = music_playing->fade_step; int fade_steps = music_playing->fade_steps; if (music_playing->fading == MIX_FADING_OUT) { volume = (music_volume * (fade_steps-fade_step)) / fade_steps; } else { /* Fading in */ volume = (music_volume * fade_step) / fade_steps; } music_internal_volume(volume); } else { if (music_playing->fading == MIX_FADING_OUT) { music_internal_halt(); if (music_finished_hook) { music_finished_hook(); } return; } music_playing->fading = MIX_NO_FADING; } } music_halt_or_loop(); if (!music_internal_playing()) { return; } if (music_playing->interface->GetAudio) { int left = music_playing->interface->GetAudio(music_playing->context, stream, len); if (left > 0) { music_playing->playing = SDL_FALSE; } /* Handle seamless music looping */ if (left > 0 && left < len) { music_halt_or_loop(); if (music_internal_playing()) { music_mixer(udata, stream+(len-left), left); } } } } } /* Load the music interface libraries */ int load_music(void) { char hint[128]; int i; for (i = 0; i < SDL_arraysize(s_music_interfaces); ++i) { Mix_MusicInterface *interface = s_music_interfaces[i]; if (interface->loaded) { continue; } SDL_snprintf(hint, sizeof(hint), "SDL_MIXER_DISABLE_%s", interface->tag); if (SDL_GetHintBoolean(hint, SDL_FALSE)) { continue; } if (!interface->Load || interface->Load() == 0) { interface->loaded = SDL_TRUE; } } return 0; } /* Return SDL_TRUE if the music type is available */ SDL_bool has_music(Mix_MusicType type) { int i; for (i = 0; i < SDL_arraysize(s_music_interfaces); ++i) { Mix_MusicInterface *interface = s_music_interfaces[i]; if (interface->type != type) { continue; } if (interface->opened) { return SDL_TRUE; } } return SDL_FALSE; } /* Initialize the music interfaces with a certain desired audio format */ int open_music(const SDL_AudioSpec *spec) { int i; SDL_bool use_native_midi = SDL_FALSE; if (SDL_GetHintBoolean("SDL_NATIVE_MUSIC", SDL_FALSE) && native_midi_detect()) { use_native_midi = SDL_TRUE; } music_spec = *spec; for (i = 0; i < SDL_arraysize(s_music_interfaces); ++i) { Mix_MusicInterface *interface = s_music_interfaces[i]; if (!interface->loaded) { continue; } if (interface->type == MUS_MID && use_native_midi && interface->api != MIX_MUSIC_NATIVEMIDI) { continue; } if (!interface->Open || interface->Open(spec) == 0) { interface->opened = SDL_TRUE; add_music_decoder(interface->tag); } } if (has_music(MUS_MOD)) { add_music_decoder("MOD"); } if (has_music(MUS_MID)) { add_music_decoder("MIDI"); } if (has_music(MUS_MP3)) { add_music_decoder("MP3"); } Mix_VolumeMusic(MIX_MAX_VOLUME); /* Calculate the number of ms for each callback */ ms_per_step = (int) (((float)spec->samples * 1000.0) / spec->freq); return 0; } Mix_MusicType detect_music_type_from_magic(const Uint8 *magic) { /* Ogg Vorbis files have the magic four bytes "OggS" */ if (SDL_memcmp(magic, "OggS", 4) == 0) { return MUS_OGG; } /* FLAC files have the magic four bytes "fLaC" */ if (SDL_memcmp(magic, "fLaC", 4) == 0) { return MUS_FLAC; } /* MIDI files have the magic four bytes "MThd" */ if (SDL_memcmp(magic, "MThd", 4) == 0) { return MUS_MID; } if (SDL_memcmp(magic, "ID3", 3) == 0 || (magic[0] == 0xFF && (magic[1] & 0xFE) == 0xFA)) { return MUS_MP3; } /* Assume MOD format. * * Apparently there is no way to check if the file is really a MOD, * or there are too many formats supported by MikMod/ModPlug, or * MikMod/ModPlug does this check by itself. */ return MUS_MOD; } static Mix_MusicType detect_music_type(SDL_RWops *src) { Uint8 magic[12]; if (SDL_RWread(src, magic, 1, 12) != 12) { Mix_SetError("Couldn't read first 12 bytes of audio data"); return MUS_NONE; } SDL_RWseek(src, -12, RW_SEEK_CUR); /* WAVE files have the magic four bytes "RIFF" AIFF files have the magic 12 bytes "FORM" XXXX "AIFF" */ if (((SDL_memcmp(magic, "RIFF", 4) == 0) && (SDL_memcmp((magic+8), "WAVE", 4) == 0)) || (SDL_memcmp(magic, "FORM", 4) == 0)) { return MUS_WAV; } return detect_music_type_from_magic(magic); } /* Load a music file */ Mix_Music *Mix_LoadMUS(const char *file) { int i; void *context; char *ext; Mix_MusicType type; SDL_RWops *src; for (i = 0; i < SDL_arraysize(s_music_interfaces); ++i) { Mix_MusicInterface *interface = s_music_interfaces[i]; if (!interface->opened || !interface->CreateFromFile) { continue; } context = interface->CreateFromFile(file); if (context) { /* Allocate memory for the music structure */ Mix_Music *music = (Mix_Music *)SDL_calloc(1, sizeof(Mix_Music)); if (music == NULL) { Mix_SetError("Out of memory"); return NULL; } music->interface = interface; music->context = context; return music; } } src = SDL_RWFromFile(file, "rb"); if (src == NULL) { Mix_SetError("Couldn't open '%s'", file); return NULL; } /* Use the extension as a first guess on the file type */ type = MUS_NONE; ext = strrchr(file, '.'); if (ext) { ++ext; /* skip the dot in the extension */ if (SDL_strcasecmp(ext, "WAV") == 0) { type = MUS_WAV; } else if (SDL_strcasecmp(ext, "MID") == 0 || SDL_strcasecmp(ext, "MIDI") == 0 || SDL_strcasecmp(ext, "KAR") == 0) { type = MUS_MID; } else if (SDL_strcasecmp(ext, "OGG") == 0) { type = MUS_OGG; } else if (SDL_strcasecmp(ext, "FLAC") == 0) { type = MUS_FLAC; } else if (SDL_strcasecmp(ext, "MPG") == 0 || SDL_strcasecmp(ext, "MPEG") == 0 || SDL_strcasecmp(ext, "MP3") == 0 || SDL_strcasecmp(ext, "MAD") == 0) { type = MUS_MP3; } else if (SDL_strcasecmp(ext, "669") == 0 || SDL_strcasecmp(ext, "AMF") == 0 || SDL_strcasecmp(ext, "AMS") == 0 || SDL_strcasecmp(ext, "DBM") == 0 || SDL_strcasecmp(ext, "DSM") == 0 || SDL_strcasecmp(ext, "FAR") == 0 || SDL_strcasecmp(ext, "IT") == 0 || SDL_strcasecmp(ext, "MED") == 0 || SDL_strcasecmp(ext, "MDL") == 0 || SDL_strcasecmp(ext, "MOD") == 0 || SDL_strcasecmp(ext, "MOL") == 0 || SDL_strcasecmp(ext, "MTM") == 0 || SDL_strcasecmp(ext, "NST") == 0 || SDL_strcasecmp(ext, "OKT") == 0 || SDL_strcasecmp(ext, "PTM") == 0 || SDL_strcasecmp(ext, "S3M") == 0 || SDL_strcasecmp(ext, "STM") == 0 || SDL_strcasecmp(ext, "ULT") == 0 || SDL_strcasecmp(ext, "UMX") == 0 || SDL_strcasecmp(ext, "WOW") == 0 || SDL_strcasecmp(ext, "XM") == 0) { type = MUS_MOD; } } return Mix_LoadMUSType_RW(src, type, SDL_TRUE); } Mix_Music *Mix_LoadMUS_RW(SDL_RWops *src, int freesrc) { return Mix_LoadMUSType_RW(src, MUS_NONE, freesrc); } Mix_Music *Mix_LoadMUSType_RW(SDL_RWops *src, Mix_MusicType type, int freesrc) { int i; void *context; Sint64 start; if (!src) { Mix_SetError("RWops pointer is NULL"); return NULL; } start = SDL_RWtell(src); /* If the caller wants auto-detection, figure out what kind of file * this is. */ if (type == MUS_NONE) { if ((type = detect_music_type(src)) == MUS_NONE) { /* Don't call Mix_SetError() since detect_music_type() does that. */ if (freesrc) { SDL_RWclose(src); } return NULL; } } Mix_ClearError(); for (i = 0; i < SDL_arraysize(s_music_interfaces); ++i) { Mix_MusicInterface *interface = s_music_interfaces[i]; if (!interface->opened || type != interface->type || !interface->CreateFromRW) { continue; } context = interface->CreateFromRW(src, freesrc); if (context) { /* Allocate memory for the music structure */ Mix_Music *music = (Mix_Music *)SDL_calloc(1, sizeof(Mix_Music)); if (music == NULL) { interface->Delete(context); Mix_SetError("Out of memory"); return NULL; } music->interface = interface; music->context = context; return music; } if (interface->api == MIX_MUSIC_SMPEG) { /* Uh oh, if SMPEG couldn't create a context, it freed the src */ freesrc = SDL_FALSE; break; } /* Reset the stream for the next decoder */ SDL_RWseek(src, start, RW_SEEK_SET); } if (!*Mix_GetError()) { Mix_SetError("Unrecognized audio format"); } if (freesrc) { SDL_RWclose(src); } else { SDL_RWseek(src, start, RW_SEEK_SET); } return NULL; } /* Free a music chunk previously loaded */ void Mix_FreeMusic(Mix_Music *music) { if (music) { /* Stop the music if it's currently playing */ Mix_LockAudio(); if (music == music_playing) { /* Wait for any fade out to finish */ while (music->fading == MIX_FADING_OUT) { Mix_UnlockAudio(); SDL_Delay(100); Mix_LockAudio(); } if (music == music_playing) { music_internal_halt(); } } Mix_UnlockAudio(); music->interface->Delete(music->context); SDL_free(music); } } /* Find out the music format of a mixer music, or the currently playing music, if 'music' is NULL. */ Mix_MusicType Mix_GetMusicType(const Mix_Music *music) { Mix_MusicType type = MUS_NONE; if (music) { type = music->interface->type; } else { Mix_LockAudio(); if (music_playing) { type = music_playing->interface->type; } Mix_UnlockAudio(); } return(type); } /* Play a music chunk. Returns 0, or -1 if there was an error. */ static int music_internal_play(Mix_Music *music, double position) { int retval = 0; #if defined(__MACOSX__) && defined(MID_MUSIC_NATIVE) /* This fixes a bug with native MIDI on Mac OS X, where you can't really stop and restart MIDI from the audio callback. */ if (music == music_playing && music->api == MIX_MUSIC_NATIVEMIDI) { /* Just a seek suffices to restart playing */ music_internal_position(position); return 0; } #endif /* Note the music we're playing */ if (music_playing) { music_internal_halt(); } music_playing = music; music_playing->playing = SDL_TRUE; /* Set the initial volume */ music_internal_initialize_volume(); /* Set up for playback */ retval = music->interface->Play(music->context); /* Set the playback position, note any errors if an offset is used */ if (retval == 0) { if (position > 0.0) { if (music_internal_position(position) < 0) { Mix_SetError("Position not implemented for music type"); retval = -1; } } else { music_internal_position(0.0); } } /* If the setup failed, we're not playing any music anymore */ if (retval < 0) { music_playing = NULL; } return(retval); } int Mix_FadeInMusicPos(Mix_Music *music, int loops, int ms, double position) { int retval; if (ms_per_step == 0) { SDL_SetError("Audio device hasn't been opened"); return(-1); } /* Don't play null pointers :-) */ if (music == NULL) { Mix_SetError("music parameter was NULL"); return(-1); } /* Setup the data */ if (ms) { music->fading = MIX_FADING_IN; } else { music->fading = MIX_NO_FADING; } music->fade_step = 0; music->fade_steps = ms/ms_per_step; /* Play the puppy */ Mix_LockAudio(); /* If the current music is fading out, wait for the fade to complete */ while (music_playing && (music_playing->fading == MIX_FADING_OUT)) { Mix_UnlockAudio(); SDL_Delay(100); Mix_LockAudio(); } music_active = 1; if (loops == 1) { /* Loop is the number of times to play the audio */ loops = 0; } music_loops = loops; retval = music_internal_play(music, position); Mix_UnlockAudio(); return(retval); } int Mix_FadeInMusic(Mix_Music *music, int loops, int ms) { return Mix_FadeInMusicPos(music, loops, ms, 0.0); } int Mix_PlayMusic(Mix_Music *music, int loops) { return Mix_FadeInMusicPos(music, loops, 0, 0.0); } /* Set the playing music position */ int music_internal_position(double position) { if (music_playing->interface->Seek) { return music_playing->interface->Seek(music_playing->context, position); } return -1; } int Mix_SetMusicPosition(double position) { int retval; Mix_LockAudio(); if (music_playing) { retval = music_internal_position(position); if (retval < 0) { Mix_SetError("Position not implemented for music type"); } } else { Mix_SetError("Music isn't playing"); retval = -1; } Mix_UnlockAudio(); return(retval); } /* Set the music's initial volume */ static void music_internal_initialize_volume(void) { if (music_playing->fading == MIX_FADING_IN) { music_internal_volume(0); } else { music_internal_volume(music_volume); } } /* Set the music volume */ static void music_internal_volume(int volume) { if (music_playing->interface->SetVolume) { music_playing->interface->SetVolume(music_playing->context, volume); } } int Mix_VolumeMusic(int volume) { int prev_volume; prev_volume = music_volume; if (volume < 0) { return prev_volume; } if (volume > SDL_MIX_MAXVOLUME) { volume = SDL_MIX_MAXVOLUME; } music_volume = volume; Mix_LockAudio(); if (music_playing) { music_internal_volume(music_volume); } Mix_UnlockAudio(); return(prev_volume); } /* Halt playing of music */ static void music_internal_halt(void) { if (music_playing->interface->Stop) { music_playing->interface->Stop(music_playing->context); } music_playing->playing = SDL_FALSE; music_playing->fading = MIX_NO_FADING; music_playing = NULL; } int Mix_HaltMusic(void) { Mix_LockAudio(); if (music_playing) { music_internal_halt(); if (music_finished_hook) { music_finished_hook(); } } Mix_UnlockAudio(); return(0); } /* Progressively stop the music */ int Mix_FadeOutMusic(int ms) { int retval = 0; if (ms_per_step == 0) { SDL_SetError("Audio device hasn't been opened"); return 0; } if (ms <= 0) { /* just halt immediately. */ Mix_HaltMusic(); return 1; } Mix_LockAudio(); if (music_playing) { int fade_steps = (ms + ms_per_step - 1) / ms_per_step; if (music_playing->fading == MIX_NO_FADING) { music_playing->fade_step = 0; } else { int step; int old_fade_steps = music_playing->fade_steps; if (music_playing->fading == MIX_FADING_OUT) { step = music_playing->fade_step; } else { step = old_fade_steps - music_playing->fade_step + 1; } music_playing->fade_step = (step * fade_steps) / old_fade_steps; } music_playing->fading = MIX_FADING_OUT; music_playing->fade_steps = fade_steps; retval = 1; } Mix_UnlockAudio(); return(retval); } Mix_Fading Mix_FadingMusic(void) { Mix_Fading fading = MIX_NO_FADING; Mix_LockAudio(); if (music_playing) { fading = music_playing->fading; } Mix_UnlockAudio(); return(fading); } /* Pause/Resume the music stream */ void Mix_PauseMusic(void) { Mix_LockAudio(); if (music_playing && music_playing->interface->Pause) { music_playing->interface->Pause(music_playing->context); } music_active = 0; Mix_UnlockAudio(); } void Mix_ResumeMusic(void) { Mix_LockAudio(); music_active = 1; if (music_playing && music_playing->interface->Resume) { music_playing->interface->Resume(music_playing->context); } Mix_UnlockAudio(); } void Mix_RewindMusic(void) { Mix_SetMusicPosition(0.0); } int Mix_PausedMusic(void) { return (music_active == 0); } /* Check the status of the music */ static SDL_bool music_internal_playing(void) { if (music_playing == NULL) { return SDL_FALSE; } if (music_playing->interface->IsPlaying) { return music_playing->interface->IsPlaying(music_playing->context); } return music_playing->playing; } int Mix_PlayingMusic(void) { int playing = 0; Mix_LockAudio(); if (music_playing) { playing = music_loops || music_internal_playing(); } Mix_UnlockAudio(); return(playing); } /* Set the external music playback command */ int Mix_SetMusicCMD(const char *command) { Mix_HaltMusic(); if (music_cmd) { SDL_free(music_cmd); music_cmd = NULL; } if (command) { size_t length = SDL_strlen(command) + 1; music_cmd = (char *)SDL_malloc(length); if (music_cmd == NULL) { return SDL_OutOfMemory(); } SDL_memcpy(music_cmd, command, length); } return 0; } int Mix_SetSynchroValue(int i) { /* Not supported by any players at this time */ return(-1); } int Mix_GetSynchroValue(void) { /* Not supported by any players at this time */ return(-1); } /* Uninitialize the music interfaces */ void close_music(void) { int i; Mix_HaltMusic(); for (i = 0; i < SDL_arraysize(s_music_interfaces); ++i) { Mix_MusicInterface *interface = s_music_interfaces[i]; if (!interface || !interface->opened) { continue; } if (interface->Close) { interface->Close(); } interface->opened = SDL_FALSE; } /* rcg06042009 report available decoders at runtime. */ SDL_free((void *)music_decoders); music_decoders = NULL; num_decoders = 0; ms_per_step = 0; } /* Unload the music interface libraries */ void unload_music(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < SDL_arraysize(s_music_interfaces); ++i) { Mix_MusicInterface *interface = s_music_interfaces[i]; if (!interface || !interface->loaded) { continue; } if (interface->Unload) { interface->Unload(); } interface->loaded = SDL_FALSE; } } int Mix_SetSoundFonts(const char *paths) { if (soundfont_paths) { SDL_free(soundfont_paths); soundfont_paths = NULL; } if (paths) { if (!(soundfont_paths = SDL_strdup(paths))) { Mix_SetError("Insufficient memory to set SoundFonts"); return 0; } } return 1; } const char* Mix_GetSoundFonts(void) { if (!soundfont_paths || SDL_GetHintBoolean("SDL_FORCE_SOUNDFONTS", SDL_FALSE)) { return SDL_getenv("SDL_SOUNDFONTS"); } else { return soundfont_paths; } } int Mix_EachSoundFont(int (*function)(const char*, void*), void *data) { char *context, *path, *paths; const char* cpaths = Mix_GetSoundFonts(); int soundfonts_found = 0; if (!cpaths) { Mix_SetError("No SoundFonts have been requested"); return 0; } if (!(paths = SDL_strdup(cpaths))) { Mix_SetError("Insufficient memory to iterate over SoundFonts"); return 0; } #if defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(__MINGW64__) || defined(__WATCOMC__) for (path = strtok(paths, ";"); path; path = strtok(NULL, ";")) { #elif defined(_WIN32) for (path = strtok_s(paths, ";", &context); path; path = strtok_s(NULL, ";", &context)) { #else for (path = strtok_r(paths, ":;", &context); path; path = strtok_r(NULL, ":;", &context)) { #endif if (!function(path, data)) { continue; } else { soundfonts_found++; } } SDL_free(paths); if (soundfonts_found > 0) return 1; else return 0; } /* vi: set ts=4 sw=4 expandtab: */