/* MIXERLIB: An audio mixer library based on the SDL library Copyright (C) 1997-1999 Sam Lantinga This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Sam Lantinga 5635-34 Springhouse Dr. Pleasanton, CA 94588 (USA) slouken@devolution.com */ /* This file supports streaming WAV files, without volume adjustment */ #include #include #include "SDL_audio.h" #include "SDL_mutex.h" #include "SDL_rwops.h" #include "SDL_endian.h" #include "wave.h" #include "wavestream.h" /* Currently we only support a single stream at a time */ static WAVStream *theWave = NULL; /* This is initialized by the music mixer */ static SDL_mutex *music_lock = NULL; /* This is the format of the audio mixer data */ static SDL_AudioSpec mixer; /* Function to load the WAV/AIFF stream */ static FILE *LoadWAVStream (const char *file, SDL_AudioSpec *spec, long *start, long *stop); static FILE *LoadAIFFStream (const char *file, SDL_AudioSpec *spec, long *start, long *stop); /* Initialize the WAVStream player, with the given mixer settings This function returns 0, or -1 if there was an error. */ int WAVStream_Init(SDL_AudioSpec *mixerfmt) { /* FIXME: clean up the mutex, or move it into music.c */ music_lock = SDL_CreateMutex(); if ( music_lock == NULL ) { return(-1); } mixer = *mixerfmt; return(0); } /* Unimplemented */ extern void WAVStream_SetVolume(int volume) { } /* Load a WAV stream from the given file */ extern WAVStream *WAVStream_LoadSong(const char *file, const char *magic) { WAVStream *wave; SDL_AudioSpec wavespec; if ( ! mixer.format ) { SDL_SetError("WAV music output not started"); return(NULL); } wave = (WAVStream *)malloc(sizeof *wave); if ( wave ) { memset(wave, 0, (sizeof *wave)); if ( strcmp(magic, "RIFF") == 0 ) { wave->wavefp = LoadWAVStream(file, &wavespec, &wave->start, &wave->stop); } else if ( strcmp(magic, "FORM") == 0 ) { wave->wavefp = LoadAIFFStream(file, &wavespec, &wave->start, &wave->stop); } if ( wave->wavefp == NULL ) { free(wave); return(NULL); } SDL_BuildAudioCVT(&wave->cvt, wavespec.format, wavespec.channels, wavespec.freq, mixer.format, mixer.channels, mixer.freq); } return(wave); } /* Start playback of a given WAV stream */ extern void WAVStream_Start(WAVStream *wave) { SDL_mutexP(music_lock); clearerr(wave->wavefp); fseek(wave->wavefp, wave->start, SEEK_SET); theWave = wave; SDL_mutexV(music_lock); } /* Play some of a stream previously started with WAVStream_Start() The music_lock is held while this function is called. */ extern void WAVStream_PlaySome(Uint8 *stream, int len) { long pos; SDL_mutexP(music_lock); if ( theWave && ((pos=ftell(theWave->wavefp)) < theWave->stop) ) { if ( theWave->cvt.needed ) { int original_len; original_len=(int)((double)len/theWave->cvt.len_ratio); if ( theWave->cvt.len != original_len ) { int worksize; if ( theWave->cvt.buf != NULL ) { free(theWave->cvt.buf); } worksize = original_len*theWave->cvt.len_mult; theWave->cvt.buf=(Uint8 *)malloc(worksize); if ( theWave->cvt.buf == NULL ) { SDL_mutexV(music_lock); return; } theWave->cvt.len = original_len; } if ( (theWave->stop - pos) < original_len ) { original_len = (theWave->stop - pos); } theWave->cvt.len = original_len; fread(theWave->cvt.buf,original_len,1,theWave->wavefp); SDL_ConvertAudio(&theWave->cvt); memcpy(stream, theWave->cvt.buf, theWave->cvt.len_cvt); } else { if ( (theWave->stop - pos) < len ) { len = (theWave->stop - pos); } fread(stream, len, 1, theWave->wavefp); } } SDL_mutexV(music_lock); } /* Stop playback of a stream previously started with WAVStream_Start() */ extern void WAVStream_Stop(void) { SDL_mutexP(music_lock); theWave = NULL; SDL_mutexV(music_lock); } /* Close the given WAV stream */ extern void WAVStream_FreeSong(WAVStream *wave) { if ( wave ) { /* Remove song from the currently playing list */ SDL_mutexP(music_lock); if ( wave == theWave ) { theWave = NULL; } SDL_mutexV(music_lock); /* Clean up associated data */ if ( wave->wavefp ) { fclose(wave->wavefp); } if ( wave->cvt.buf ) { free(wave->cvt.buf); } free(wave); } } /* Return non-zero if a stream is currently playing */ extern int WAVStream_Active(void) { int active; SDL_mutexP(music_lock); active = 0; if ( theWave && (ftell(theWave->wavefp) < theWave->stop) ) { active = 1; } SDL_mutexV(music_lock); return(active); } static int ReadChunk(SDL_RWops *src, Chunk *chunk, int read_data) { chunk->magic = SDL_ReadLE32(src); chunk->length = SDL_ReadLE32(src); if ( read_data ) { chunk->data = (Uint8 *)malloc(chunk->length); if ( chunk->data == NULL ) { SDL_SetError("Out of memory"); return(-1); } if ( SDL_RWread(src, chunk->data, chunk->length, 1) != 1 ) { SDL_SetError("Couldn't read chunk"); free(chunk->data); return(-1); } } else { SDL_RWseek(src, chunk->length, SEEK_CUR); } return(chunk->length); } static FILE *LoadWAVStream (const char *file, SDL_AudioSpec *spec, long *start, long *stop) { int was_error; FILE *wavefp; SDL_RWops *src; Chunk chunk; int lenread; /* WAV magic header */ Uint32 RIFFchunk; Uint32 wavelen; Uint32 WAVEmagic; /* FMT chunk */ WaveFMT *format = NULL; /* Make sure we are passed a valid data source */ was_error = 0; wavefp = fopen(file, "rb"); src = NULL; if ( wavefp ) { src = SDL_RWFromFP(wavefp, 0); } if ( src == NULL ) { was_error = 1; goto done; } /* Check the magic header */ RIFFchunk = SDL_ReadLE32(src); wavelen = SDL_ReadLE32(src); WAVEmagic = SDL_ReadLE32(src); if ( (RIFFchunk != RIFF) || (WAVEmagic != WAVE) ) { SDL_SetError("Unrecognized file type (not WAVE)"); was_error = 1; goto done; } /* Read the audio data format chunk */ chunk.data = NULL; do { /* FIXME! Add this logic to SDL_LoadWAV_RW() */ if ( chunk.data ) { free(chunk.data); } lenread = ReadChunk(src, &chunk, 1); if ( lenread < 0 ) { was_error = 1; goto done; } } while ( (chunk.magic == FACT) || (chunk.magic == LIST) ); /* Decode the audio data format */ format = (WaveFMT *)chunk.data; if ( chunk.magic != FMT ) { free(chunk.data); SDL_SetError("Complex WAVE files not supported"); was_error = 1; goto done; } switch (SDL_SwapLE16(format->encoding)) { case PCM_CODE: /* We can understand this */ break; default: SDL_SetError("Unknown WAVE data format"); was_error = 1; goto done; } memset(spec, 0, (sizeof *spec)); spec->freq = SDL_SwapLE32(format->frequency); switch (SDL_SwapLE16(format->bitspersample)) { case 8: spec->format = AUDIO_U8; break; case 16: spec->format = AUDIO_S16; break; default: SDL_SetError("Unknown PCM data format"); was_error = 1; goto done; } spec->channels = (Uint8) SDL_SwapLE16(format->channels); spec->samples = 4096; /* Good default buffer size */ /* Set the file offset to the DATA chunk data */ chunk.data = NULL; do { *start = SDL_RWtell(src) + 2*sizeof(Uint32); lenread = ReadChunk(src, &chunk, 0); if ( lenread < 0 ) { was_error = 1; goto done; } } while ( chunk.magic != DATA ); *stop = SDL_RWtell(src); done: if ( format != NULL ) { free(format); } if ( src ) { SDL_RWclose(src); } if ( was_error ) { if ( wavefp ) { fclose(wavefp); wavefp = NULL; } } return(wavefp); } static double SANE_to_double(Uint32 l1, Uint32 l2, Uint16 s1) { double d; struct almost_double { Uint32 hi, lo; } *dp = (struct almost_double *)&d; dp->hi = ((l1 << 4) & 0x3ff00000) | (l1 & 0xc0000000); dp->hi |= (l1 << 5) & 0xffff0; dp->hi |= (l2 >> 27) & 0x1f; dp->lo = (l2 << 5) & 0xffffffe0; dp->lo |= ((s1 >> 11) & 0x1f); return(d); } static FILE *LoadAIFFStream (const char *file, SDL_AudioSpec *spec, long *start, long *stop) { int was_error; FILE *wavefp; SDL_RWops *src; /* AIFF magic header */ Uint32 FORMchunk; Uint32 chunklen; Uint32 AIFFmagic; /* SSND chunk */ Uint32 SSNDchunk; Uint32 ssndlen; Uint32 offset; Uint32 blocksize; /* COMM format chunk */ Uint32 COMMchunk; Uint32 commlen; Uint16 channels; Uint32 numsamples; Uint16 samplesize; struct { /* plus a SANE format double precision number */ Uint32 l1; Uint32 l2; Uint16 s1; } sane_freq; Uint32 frequency; /* Make sure we are passed a valid data source */ was_error = 0; wavefp = fopen(file, "rb"); src = NULL; if ( wavefp ) { src = SDL_RWFromFP(wavefp, 0); } if ( src == NULL ) { was_error = 1; goto done; } /* Check the magic header */ FORMchunk = SDL_ReadLE32(src); chunklen = SDL_ReadLE32(src); AIFFmagic = SDL_ReadLE32(src); if ( (FORMchunk != FORM) || (AIFFmagic != AIFF) ) { SDL_SetError("Unrecognized file type (not AIFF)"); was_error = 1; goto done; } /* Read the SSND data chunk */ SSNDchunk = SDL_ReadLE32(src); if ( SSNDchunk != SSND ) { SDL_SetError("Unrecognized AIFF chunk (not SSND)"); was_error = 1; goto done; } ssndlen = SDL_ReadLE32(src); offset = SDL_ReadLE32(src); blocksize = SDL_ReadLE32(src); /* Fill in start and stop pointers, then seek to format chunk */ ssndlen -= (2*sizeof(Uint32)); *start = SDL_RWtell(src) + offset; *stop = SDL_RWtell(src) + ssndlen; SDL_RWseek(src, *stop, SEEK_SET); /* Read the audio data format chunk */ COMMchunk = SDL_ReadLE32(src); if ( COMMchunk != COMM ) { SDL_SetError("Unrecognized AIFF chunk (not COMM)"); was_error = 1; goto done; } commlen = SDL_ReadLE32(src); channels = SDL_ReadLE16(src); numsamples = SDL_ReadLE32(src); samplesize = SDL_ReadLE16(src); sane_freq.l1 = SDL_ReadLE32(src); sane_freq.l2 = SDL_ReadLE32(src); sane_freq.s1 = SDL_ReadLE16(src); frequency = (Uint32)SANE_to_double(sane_freq.l1, sane_freq.l2, sane_freq.s1); /* Decode the audio data format */ memset(spec, 0, (sizeof *spec)); spec->freq = frequency; switch (samplesize) { case 8: spec->format = AUDIO_U8; break; case 16: spec->format = AUDIO_S16; break; default: SDL_SetError("Unknown samplesize in data format"); was_error = 1; goto done; } spec->channels = (Uint8) channels; spec->samples = 4096; /* Good default buffer size */ done: if ( src ) { SDL_RWclose(src); } if ( was_error ) { if ( wavefp ) { fclose(wavefp); wavefp = NULL; } } return(wavefp); }