/* SDL_image: An example image loading library for use with SDL Copyright (C) 1997-2009 Sam Lantinga This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA Sam Lantinga slouken@libsdl.org */ /* This is a XCF image file loading framework */ #include #include #include #include #include "SDL_endian.h" #include "SDL_image.h" #ifdef LOAD_XCF #if DEBUG static char prop_names [][30] = { "end", "colormap", "active_layer", "active_channel", "selection", "floating_selection", "opacity", "mode", "visible", "linked", "preserve_transparency", "apply_mask", "edit_mask", "show_mask", "show_masked", "offsets", "color", "compression", "guides", "resolution", "tattoo", "parasites", "unit", "paths", "user_unit" }; #endif typedef enum { PROP_END = 0, PROP_COLORMAP = 1, PROP_ACTIVE_LAYER = 2, PROP_ACTIVE_CHANNEL = 3, PROP_SELECTION = 4, PROP_FLOATING_SELECTION = 5, PROP_OPACITY = 6, PROP_MODE = 7, PROP_VISIBLE = 8, PROP_LINKED = 9, PROP_PRESERVE_TRANSPARENCY = 10, PROP_APPLY_MASK = 11, PROP_EDIT_MASK = 12, PROP_SHOW_MASK = 13, PROP_SHOW_MASKED = 14, PROP_OFFSETS = 15, PROP_COLOR = 16, PROP_COMPRESSION = 17, PROP_GUIDES = 18, PROP_RESOLUTION = 19, PROP_TATTOO = 20, PROP_PARASITES = 21, PROP_UNIT = 22, PROP_PATHS = 23, PROP_USER_UNIT = 24 } xcf_prop_type; typedef enum { COMPR_NONE = 0, COMPR_RLE = 1, COMPR_ZLIB = 2, COMPR_FRACTAL = 3 } xcf_compr_type; typedef enum { IMAGE_RGB = 0, IMAGE_GREYSCALE = 1, IMAGE_INDEXED = 2 } xcf_image_type; typedef struct { Uint32 id; Uint32 length; union { struct { Uint32 num; char * cmap; } colormap; // 1 struct { Uint32 drawable_offset; } floating_selection; // 5 Sint32 opacity; Sint32 mode; int visible; int linked; int preserve_transparency; int apply_mask; int show_mask; struct { Sint32 x; Sint32 y; } offset; unsigned char color [3]; Uint8 compression; struct { Sint32 x; Sint32 y; } resolution; struct { char * name; Uint32 flags; Uint32 size; char * data; } parasite; } data; } xcf_prop; typedef struct { char sign [14]; Uint32 width; Uint32 height; Sint32 image_type; xcf_prop * properties; Uint32 * layer_file_offsets; Uint32 * channel_file_offsets; xcf_compr_type compr; Uint32 cm_num; unsigned char * cm_map; } xcf_header; typedef struct { Uint32 width; Uint32 height; Sint32 layer_type; char * name; xcf_prop * properties; Uint32 hierarchy_file_offset; Uint32 layer_mask_offset; Uint32 offset_x; Uint32 offset_y; int visible; } xcf_layer; typedef struct { Uint32 width; Uint32 height; char * name; xcf_prop * properties; Uint32 hierarchy_file_offset; Uint32 color; Uint32 opacity; int selection; int visible; } xcf_channel; typedef struct { Uint32 width; Uint32 height; Uint32 bpp; Uint32 * level_file_offsets; } xcf_hierarchy; typedef struct { Uint32 width; Uint32 height; Uint32 * tile_file_offsets; } xcf_level; typedef unsigned char * xcf_tile; typedef unsigned char * (* load_tile_type) (SDL_RWops *, Uint32, int, int, int); /* See if an image is contained in a data source */ int IMG_isXCF(SDL_RWops *src) { int start; int is_XCF; char magic[14]; if ( !src ) return 0; start = SDL_RWtell(src); is_XCF = 0; if ( SDL_RWread(src, magic, sizeof(magic), 1) ) { if (strncmp(magic, "gimp xcf ", 9) == 0) { is_XCF = 1; } } SDL_RWseek(src, start, SEEK_SET); return(is_XCF); } static char * read_string (SDL_RWops * src) { Uint32 tmp; char * data; tmp = SDL_ReadBE32 (src); if (tmp > 0) { data = (char *) malloc (sizeof (char) * tmp); SDL_RWread (src, data, tmp, 1); } else { data = NULL; } return data; } static Uint32 Swap32 (Uint32 v) { return ((v & 0x000000FF) << 16) | ((v & 0x0000FF00)) | ((v & 0x00FF0000) >> 16) | ((v & 0xFF000000)); } static void xcf_read_property (SDL_RWops * src, xcf_prop * prop) { prop->id = SDL_ReadBE32 (src); prop->length = SDL_ReadBE32 (src); #if DEBUG printf ("%.8X: %s: %d\n", SDL_RWtell (src), prop->id < 25 ? prop_names [prop->id] : "unknown", prop->length); #endif switch (prop->id) { case PROP_COLORMAP: prop->data.colormap.num = SDL_ReadBE32 (src); prop->data.colormap.cmap = (char *) malloc (sizeof (char) * prop->data.colormap.num * 3); SDL_RWread (src, prop->data.colormap.cmap, prop->data.colormap.num*3, 1); break; case PROP_OFFSETS: prop->data.offset.x = SDL_ReadBE32 (src); prop->data.offset.y = SDL_ReadBE32 (src); break; case PROP_OPACITY: prop->data.opacity = SDL_ReadBE32 (src); break; case PROP_COMPRESSION: case PROP_COLOR: SDL_RWread (src, &prop->data, prop->length, 1); break; case PROP_VISIBLE: prop->data.visible = SDL_ReadBE32 (src); break; default: // SDL_RWread (src, &prop->data, prop->length, 1); SDL_RWseek (src, prop->length, SEEK_CUR); } } static void free_xcf_header (xcf_header * h) { if (h->cm_num) free (h->cm_map); free (h); } static xcf_header * read_xcf_header (SDL_RWops * src) { xcf_header * h; xcf_prop prop; h = (xcf_header *) malloc (sizeof (xcf_header)); SDL_RWread (src, h->sign, 14, 1); h->width = SDL_ReadBE32 (src); h->height = SDL_ReadBE32 (src); h->image_type = SDL_ReadBE32 (src); h->properties = NULL; h->compr = COMPR_NONE; h->cm_num = 0; h->cm_map = NULL; // Just read, don't save do { xcf_read_property (src, &prop); if (prop.id == PROP_COMPRESSION) h->compr = prop.data.compression; else if (prop.id == PROP_COLORMAP) { // unused var: int i; h->cm_num = prop.data.colormap.num; h->cm_map = (unsigned char *) malloc (sizeof (unsigned char) * 3 * h->cm_num); memcpy (h->cm_map, prop.data.colormap.cmap, 3*sizeof (char)*h->cm_num); free (prop.data.colormap.cmap); } } while (prop.id != PROP_END); return h; } static void free_xcf_layer (xcf_layer * l) { free (l->name); free (l); } static xcf_layer * read_xcf_layer (SDL_RWops * src) { xcf_layer * l; xcf_prop prop; l = (xcf_layer *) malloc (sizeof (xcf_layer)); l->width = SDL_ReadBE32 (src); l->height = SDL_ReadBE32 (src); l->layer_type = SDL_ReadBE32 (src); l->name = read_string (src); do { xcf_read_property (src, &prop); if (prop.id == PROP_OFFSETS) { l->offset_x = prop.data.offset.x; l->offset_y = prop.data.offset.y; } else if (prop.id == PROP_VISIBLE) { l->visible = prop.data.visible ? 1 : 0; } } while (prop.id != PROP_END); l->hierarchy_file_offset = SDL_ReadBE32 (src); l->layer_mask_offset = SDL_ReadBE32 (src); return l; } static void free_xcf_channel (xcf_channel * c) { free (c->name); free (c); } static xcf_channel * read_xcf_channel (SDL_RWops * src) { xcf_channel * l; xcf_prop prop; l = (xcf_channel *) malloc (sizeof (xcf_channel)); l->width = SDL_ReadBE32 (src); l->height = SDL_ReadBE32 (src); l->name = read_string (src); l->selection = 0; do { xcf_read_property (src, &prop); switch (prop.id) { case PROP_OPACITY: l->opacity = prop.data.opacity << 24; break; case PROP_COLOR: l->color = ((Uint32) prop.data.color[0] << 16) | ((Uint32) prop.data.color[1] << 8) | ((Uint32) prop.data.color[2]); break; case PROP_SELECTION: l->selection = 1; break; case PROP_VISIBLE: l->visible = prop.data.visible ? 1 : 0; break; default: ; } } while (prop.id != PROP_END); l->hierarchy_file_offset = SDL_ReadBE32 (src); return l; } static void free_xcf_hierarchy (xcf_hierarchy * h) { free (h->level_file_offsets); free (h); } static xcf_hierarchy * read_xcf_hierarchy (SDL_RWops * src) { xcf_hierarchy * h; int i; h = (xcf_hierarchy *) malloc (sizeof (xcf_hierarchy)); h->width = SDL_ReadBE32 (src); h->height = SDL_ReadBE32 (src); h->bpp = SDL_ReadBE32 (src); h->level_file_offsets = NULL; i = 0; do { h->level_file_offsets = (Uint32 *) realloc (h->level_file_offsets, sizeof (Uint32) * (i+1)); h->level_file_offsets [i] = SDL_ReadBE32 (src); } while (h->level_file_offsets [i++]); return h; } static void free_xcf_level (xcf_level * l) { free (l->tile_file_offsets); free (l); } static xcf_level * read_xcf_level (SDL_RWops * src) { xcf_level * l; int i; l = (xcf_level *) malloc (sizeof (xcf_level)); l->width = SDL_ReadBE32 (src); l->height = SDL_ReadBE32 (src); l->tile_file_offsets = NULL; i = 0; do { l->tile_file_offsets = (Uint32 *) realloc (l->tile_file_offsets, sizeof (Uint32) * (i+1)); l->tile_file_offsets [i] = SDL_ReadBE32 (src); } while (l->tile_file_offsets [i++]); return l; } static void free_xcf_tile (unsigned char * t) { free (t); } static unsigned char * load_xcf_tile_none (SDL_RWops * src, Uint32 len, int bpp, int x, int y) { unsigned char * load; load = (unsigned char *) malloc (len); // expect this is okay SDL_RWread (src, load, len, 1); return load; } static unsigned char * load_xcf_tile_rle (SDL_RWops * src, Uint32 len, int bpp, int x, int y) { unsigned char * load, * t, * data, * d; Uint32 reallen; int i, size, count, j, length; unsigned char val; t = load = (unsigned char *) malloc (len); reallen = SDL_RWread (src, t, 1, len); data = (unsigned char *) malloc (x*y*bpp); for (i = 0; i < bpp; i++) { d = data + i; size = x*y; count = 0; while (size > 0) { val = *t++; length = val; if (length >= 128) { length = 255 - (length - 1); if (length == 128) { length = (*t << 8) + t[1]; t += 2; } count += length; size -= length; while (length-- > 0) { *d = *t++; d += bpp; } } else { length += 1; if (length == 128) { length = (*t << 8) + t[1]; t += 2; } count += length; size -= length; val = *t++; for (j = 0; j < length; j++) { *d = val; d += bpp; } } } } free (load); return (data); } static Uint32 rgb2grey (Uint32 a) { Uint8 l; l = 0.2990 * ((a && 0x00FF0000) >> 16) + 0.5870 * ((a && 0x0000FF00) >> 8) + 0.1140 * ((a && 0x000000FF)); return (l << 16) | (l << 8) | l; } static void create_channel_surface (SDL_Surface * surf, xcf_image_type itype, Uint32 color, Uint32 opacity) { Uint32 c = 0; switch (itype) { case IMAGE_RGB: case IMAGE_INDEXED: c = opacity | color; break; case IMAGE_GREYSCALE: c = opacity | rgb2grey (color); break; } SDL_FillRect (surf, NULL, c); } static int do_layer_surface (SDL_Surface * surface, SDL_RWops * src, xcf_header * head, xcf_layer * layer, load_tile_type load_tile) { xcf_hierarchy * hierarchy; xcf_level * level; unsigned char * tile; Uint8 * p8; Uint16 * p16; Uint32 * p; int x, y, tx, ty, ox, oy, i, j; Uint32 *row; SDL_RWseek (src, layer->hierarchy_file_offset, SEEK_SET); hierarchy = read_xcf_hierarchy (src); level = NULL; for (i = 0; hierarchy->level_file_offsets [i]; i++) { SDL_RWseek (src, hierarchy->level_file_offsets [i], SEEK_SET); level = read_xcf_level (src); ty = tx = 0; for (j = 0; level->tile_file_offsets [j]; j++) { SDL_RWseek (src, level->tile_file_offsets [j], SEEK_SET); ox = tx+64 > level->width ? level->width % 64 : 64; oy = ty+64 > level->height ? level->height % 64 : 64; if (level->tile_file_offsets [j+1]) { tile = load_tile (src, level->tile_file_offsets [j+1] - level->tile_file_offsets [j], hierarchy->bpp, ox, oy); } else { tile = load_tile (src, ox*oy*6, hierarchy->bpp, ox, oy); } p8 = tile; p16 = (Uint16 *) p8; p = (Uint32 *) p8; for (y=ty; y < ty+oy; y++) { row = (Uint32 *)((Uint8 *)surface->pixels + y*surface->pitch + tx*4); switch (hierarchy->bpp) { case 4: for (x=tx; x < tx+ox; x++) *row++ = Swap32 (*p++); break; case 3: for (x=tx; x < tx+ox; x++) { *row = 0xFF000000; *row |= ((Uint32) *(p8++) << 16); *row |= ((Uint32) *(p8++) << 8); *row |= ((Uint32) *(p8++) << 0); row++; } break; case 2: // Indexed/Greyscale + Alpha switch (head->image_type) { case IMAGE_INDEXED: for (x=tx; x < tx+ox; x++) { *row = ((Uint32) (head->cm_map [*p8*3]) << 16); *row |= ((Uint32) (head->cm_map [*p8*3+1]) << 8); *row |= ((Uint32) (head->cm_map [*p8++*3+2]) << 0); *row |= ((Uint32) *p8++ << 24);; row++; } break; case IMAGE_GREYSCALE: for (x=tx; x < tx+ox; x++) { *row = ((Uint32) *p8 << 16); *row |= ((Uint32) *p8 << 8); *row |= ((Uint32) *p8++ << 0); *row |= ((Uint32) *p8++ << 24);; row++; } break; default: fprintf (stderr, "Unknown Gimp image type (%d)\n", head->image_type); return 1; } break; case 1: // Indexed/Greyscale switch (head->image_type) { case IMAGE_INDEXED: for (x = tx; x < tx+ox; x++) { *row++ = 0xFF000000 | ((Uint32) (head->cm_map [*p8*3]) << 16) | ((Uint32) (head->cm_map [*p8*3+1]) << 8) | ((Uint32) (head->cm_map [*p8*3+2]) << 0); p8++; } break; case IMAGE_GREYSCALE: for (x=tx; x < tx+ox; x++) { *row++ = 0xFF000000 | (((Uint32) (*p8)) << 16) | (((Uint32) (*p8)) << 8) | (((Uint32) (*p8)) << 0); ++p8; } break; default: fprintf (stderr, "Unknown Gimp image type (%d)\n", head->image_type); return 1; } break; } } tx += 64; if (tx >= level->width) { tx = 0; ty += 64; } if (ty >= level->height) { break; } free_xcf_tile (tile); } free_xcf_level (level); } free_xcf_hierarchy (hierarchy); return 0; } SDL_Surface *IMG_LoadXCF_RW(SDL_RWops *src) { int start; const char *error = NULL; SDL_Surface *surface, *lays; xcf_header * head; xcf_layer * layer; xcf_channel ** channel; int chnls, i, offsets; Uint32 offset, fp; unsigned char * (* load_tile) (SDL_RWops *, Uint32, int, int, int); if ( !src ) { /* The error message has been set in SDL_RWFromFile */ return NULL; } start = SDL_RWtell(src); /* Initialize the data we will clean up when we're done */ surface = NULL; head = read_xcf_header (src); switch (head->compr) { case COMPR_NONE: load_tile = load_xcf_tile_none; break; case COMPR_RLE: load_tile = load_xcf_tile_rle; break; default: fprintf (stderr, "Unsupported Compression.\n"); free_xcf_header (head); return NULL; } /* Create the surface of the appropriate type */ surface = SDL_AllocSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, head->width, head->height, 32, 0x00FF0000,0x0000FF00,0x000000FF,0xFF000000); if ( surface == NULL ) { error = "Out of memory"; goto done; } head->layer_file_offsets = NULL; offsets = 0; while ((offset = SDL_ReadBE32 (src))) { head->layer_file_offsets = (Uint32 *) realloc (head->layer_file_offsets, sizeof (Uint32) * (offsets+1)); head->layer_file_offsets [offsets] = offset; offsets++; } fp = SDL_RWtell (src); lays = SDL_AllocSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, head->width, head->height, 32, 0x00FF0000,0x0000FF00,0x000000FF,0xFF000000); if ( lays == NULL ) { error = "Out of memory"; goto done; } // Blit layers backwards, because Gimp saves them highest first for (i = offsets; i > 0; i--) { SDL_Rect rs, rd; SDL_RWseek (src, head->layer_file_offsets [i-1], SEEK_SET); layer = read_xcf_layer (src); do_layer_surface (lays, src, head, layer, load_tile); rs.x = 0; rs.y = 0; rs.w = layer->width; rs.h = layer->height; rd.x = layer->offset_x; rd.y = layer->offset_y; rd.w = layer->width; rd.h = layer->height; if (layer->visible) SDL_BlitSurface (lays, &rs, surface, &rd); free_xcf_layer (layer); } SDL_FreeSurface (lays); SDL_RWseek (src, fp, SEEK_SET); // read channels channel = NULL; chnls = 0; while ((offset = SDL_ReadBE32 (src))) { channel = (xcf_channel **) realloc (channel, sizeof (xcf_channel *) * (chnls+1)); fp = SDL_RWtell (src); SDL_RWseek (src, offset, SEEK_SET); channel [chnls++] = (read_xcf_channel (src)); SDL_RWseek (src, fp, SEEK_SET); } if (chnls) { SDL_Surface * chs; chs = SDL_AllocSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, head->width, head->height, 32, 0x00FF0000,0x0000FF00,0x000000FF,0xFF000000); if (chs == NULL) { error = "Out of memory"; goto done; } for (i = 0; i < chnls; i++) { // printf ("CNLBLT %i\n", i); if (!channel [i]->selection && channel [i]->visible) { create_channel_surface (chs, head->image_type, channel [i]->color, channel [i]->opacity); SDL_BlitSurface (chs, NULL, surface, NULL); } free_xcf_channel (channel [i]); } SDL_FreeSurface (chs); } done: free_xcf_header (head); if ( error ) { SDL_RWseek(src, start, SEEK_SET); if ( surface ) { SDL_FreeSurface(surface); surface = NULL; } IMG_SetError(error); } return(surface); } #else /* See if an image is contained in a data source */ int IMG_isXCF(SDL_RWops *src) { return(0); } /* Load a XCF type image from an SDL datasource */ SDL_Surface *IMG_LoadXCF_RW(SDL_RWops *src) { return(NULL); } #endif /* LOAD_XCF */