/* * IMG_ImageIO.c * SDL_image * * Created by Eric Wing on 1/2/09. * Copyright 2009 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved. * */ #include "SDL_image.h" #import #import // for UTCoreTypes.h // Once we have our image, we need to get it into an SDL_Surface // (Copied straight from the ImageIO backend.) static SDL_Surface* Create_SDL_Surface_From_CGImage(CGImageRef image_ref) { /* This code is adapted from Apple's Documentation found here: * http://developer.apple.com/documentation/GraphicsImaging/Conceptual/OpenGL-MacProgGuide/index.html * Listing 9-4††Using a Quartz image as a texture source. * Unfortunately, this guide doesn't show what to do about * non-RGBA image formats so I'm making the rest up. * All this code should be scrutinized. */ size_t w = CGImageGetWidth(image_ref); size_t h = CGImageGetHeight(image_ref); CGRect rect = {{0, 0}, {w, h}}; CGImageAlphaInfo alpha = CGImageGetAlphaInfo(image_ref); //size_t bits_per_pixel = CGImageGetBitsPerPixel(image_ref); size_t bits_per_component = 8; SDL_Surface* surface; Uint32 Amask; Uint32 Rmask; Uint32 Gmask; Uint32 Bmask; CGContextRef bitmap_context; CGBitmapInfo bitmap_info; CGColorSpaceRef color_space = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB(); if (alpha == kCGImageAlphaNone || alpha == kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipFirst || alpha == kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipLast) { bitmap_info = kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipFirst | kCGBitmapByteOrder32Host; /* XRGB */ Amask = 0x00000000; } else { /* kCGImageAlphaFirst isn't supported */ //bitmap_info = kCGImageAlphaFirst | kCGBitmapByteOrder32Host; /* ARGB */ bitmap_info = kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst | kCGBitmapByteOrder32Host; /* ARGB */ Amask = 0xFF000000; } Rmask = 0x00FF0000; Gmask = 0x0000FF00; Bmask = 0x000000FF; surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, w, h, 32, Rmask, Gmask, Bmask, Amask); if (surface) { // Sets up a context to be drawn to with surface->pixels as the area to be drawn to bitmap_context = CGBitmapContextCreate( surface->pixels, surface->w, surface->h, bits_per_component, surface->pitch, color_space, bitmap_info ); // Draws the image into the context's image_data CGContextDrawImage(bitmap_context, rect, image_ref); CGContextRelease(bitmap_context); // FIXME: Reverse the premultiplied alpha if ((bitmap_info & kCGBitmapAlphaInfoMask) == kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst) { int i, j; Uint8 *p = (Uint8 *)surface->pixels; for (i = surface->h * surface->pitch/4; i--; ) { #if __LITTLE_ENDIAN__ Uint8 A = p[3]; if (A) { for (j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { p[j] = (p[j] * 255) / A; } } #else Uint8 A = p[0]; if (A) { for (j = 1; j < 4; ++j) { p[j] = (p[j] * 255) / A; } } #endif /* ENDIAN */ p += 4; } } } if (color_space) { CGColorSpaceRelease(color_space); } return surface; } static SDL_Surface* LoadImageFromRWops(SDL_RWops* rw_ops, CFStringRef uti_string_hint) { NSAutoreleasePool* autorelease_pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; SDL_Surface* sdl_surface; UIImage* ui_image; int bytes_read = 0; // I don't know what a good size is. // Max recommended texture size is 1024x1024 on iPhone so maybe base it on that? const int block_size = 1024*4; char temp_buffer[block_size]; NSMutableData* ns_data = [[NSMutableData alloc] initWithCapacity:1024*1024*4]; do { bytes_read = SDL_RWread(rw_ops, temp_buffer, 1, block_size); [ns_data appendBytes:temp_buffer length:bytes_read]; } while(bytes_read > 0); ui_image = [[UIImage alloc] initWithData:ns_data]; sdl_surface = Create_SDL_Surface_From_CGImage([ui_image CGImage]); [ui_image release]; [ns_data release]; [autorelease_pool drain]; return sdl_surface; } static SDL_Surface* LoadImageFromFile(const char *file) { NSAutoreleasePool* autorelease_pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; SDL_Surface* sdl_surface = NULL; UIImage* ui_image; NSString* ns_string; ns_string = [[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String:file]; ui_image = [[UIImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:ns_string]; if(ui_image != NULL) { sdl_surface = Create_SDL_Surface_From_CGImage([ui_image CGImage]); } [ui_image release]; [ns_string release]; [autorelease_pool drain]; return sdl_surface; } /* Since UIImage doesn't really support streams well, we should optimize for the file case. */ SDL_Surface *IMG_Load(const char *file) { SDL_Surface* sdl_surface = NULL; sdl_surface = LoadImageFromFile(file); if(NULL == sdl_surface) { // Either the file doesn't exist or ImageIO doesn't understand the format. // For the latter case, fallback to the native SDL_image handlers. SDL_RWops *src = SDL_RWFromFile(file, "rb"); char *ext = strrchr(file, '.'); if(ext) { ext++; } if(!src) { /* The error message has been set in SDL_RWFromFile */ return NULL; } sdl_surface = IMG_LoadTyped_RW(src, 1, ext); } return sdl_surface; } int IMG_InitJPG() { return 0; } void IMG_QuitJPG() { } int IMG_InitPNG() { return 0; } void IMG_QuitPNG() { } int IMG_InitTIF() { return 0; } void IMG_QuitTIF() { } /* Copied straight from other files so I don't have to alter them. */ static int IMG_isICOCUR(SDL_RWops *src, int type) { int start; int is_ICOCUR; /* The Win32 ICO file header (14 bytes) */ Uint16 bfReserved; Uint16 bfType; Uint16 bfCount; if ( !src ) return 0; start = SDL_RWtell(src); is_ICOCUR = 0; bfReserved = SDL_ReadLE16(src); bfType = SDL_ReadLE16(src); bfCount = SDL_ReadLE16(src); if ((bfReserved == 0) && (bfType == type) && (bfCount != 0)) is_ICOCUR = 1; SDL_RWseek(src, start, SEEK_SET); return (is_ICOCUR); } int IMG_isICO(SDL_RWops *src) { return IMG_isICOCUR(src, 1); } int IMG_isCUR(SDL_RWops *src) { return IMG_isICOCUR(src, 2); } int IMG_isBMP(SDL_RWops *src) { int start; int is_BMP; char magic[2]; if ( !src ) return 0; start = SDL_RWtell(src); is_BMP = 0; if ( SDL_RWread(src, magic, sizeof(magic), 1) ) { if ( strncmp(magic, "BM", 2) == 0 ) { is_BMP = 1; } } SDL_RWseek(src, start, SEEK_SET); return(is_BMP); } int IMG_isGIF(SDL_RWops *src) { int start; int is_GIF; char magic[6]; if ( !src ) return 0; start = SDL_RWtell(src); is_GIF = 0; if ( SDL_RWread(src, magic, sizeof(magic), 1) ) { if ( (strncmp(magic, "GIF", 3) == 0) && ((memcmp(magic + 3, "87a", 3) == 0) || (memcmp(magic + 3, "89a", 3) == 0)) ) { is_GIF = 1; } } SDL_RWseek(src, start, SEEK_SET); return(is_GIF); } int IMG_isJPG(SDL_RWops *src) { int start; int is_JPG; int in_scan; Uint8 magic[4]; /* This detection code is by Steaphan Greene */ /* Blame me, not Sam, if this doesn't work right. */ /* And don't forget to report the problem to the the sdl list too! */ if ( !src ) return 0; start = SDL_RWtell(src); is_JPG = 0; in_scan = 0; if ( SDL_RWread(src, magic, 2, 1) ) { if ( (magic[0] == 0xFF) && (magic[1] == 0xD8) ) { is_JPG = 1; while (is_JPG == 1) { if(SDL_RWread(src, magic, 1, 2) != 2) { is_JPG = 0; } else if( (magic[0] != 0xFF) && (in_scan == 0) ) { is_JPG = 0; } else if( (magic[0] != 0xFF) || (magic[1] == 0xFF) ) { /* Extra padding in JPEG (legal) */ /* or this is data and we are scanning */ SDL_RWseek(src, -1, SEEK_CUR); } else if(magic[1] == 0xD9) { /* Got to end of good JPEG */ break; } else if( (in_scan == 1) && (magic[1] == 0x00) ) { /* This is an encoded 0xFF within the data */ } else if( (magic[1] >= 0xD0) && (magic[1] < 0xD9) ) { /* These have nothing else */ } else if(SDL_RWread(src, magic+2, 1, 2) != 2) { is_JPG = 0; } else { /* Yes, it's big-endian */ Uint32 start; Uint32 size; Uint32 end; start = SDL_RWtell(src); size = (magic[2] << 8) + magic[3]; end = SDL_RWseek(src, size-2, SEEK_CUR); if ( end != start + size - 2 ) is_JPG = 0; if ( magic[1] == 0xDA ) { /* Now comes the actual JPEG meat */ #ifdef FAST_IS_JPEG /* Ok, I'm convinced. It is a JPEG. */ break; #else /* I'm not convinced. Prove it! */ in_scan = 1; #endif } } } } } SDL_RWseek(src, start, SEEK_SET); return(is_JPG); } int IMG_isPNG(SDL_RWops *src) { int start; int is_PNG; Uint8 magic[4]; if ( !src ) return 0; start = SDL_RWtell(src); is_PNG = 0; if ( SDL_RWread(src, magic, 1, sizeof(magic)) == sizeof(magic) ) { if ( magic[0] == 0x89 && magic[1] == 'P' && magic[2] == 'N' && magic[3] == 'G' ) { is_PNG = 1; } } SDL_RWseek(src, start, SEEK_SET); return(is_PNG); } int IMG_isTIF(SDL_RWops* src) { int start; int is_TIF; Uint8 magic[4]; if ( !src ) return 0; start = SDL_RWtell(src); is_TIF = 0; if ( SDL_RWread(src, magic, 1, sizeof(magic)) == sizeof(magic) ) { if ( (magic[0] == 'I' && magic[1] == 'I' && magic[2] == 0x2a && magic[3] == 0x00) || (magic[0] == 'M' && magic[1] == 'M' && magic[2] == 0x00 && magic[3] == 0x2a) ) { is_TIF = 1; } } SDL_RWseek(src, start, SEEK_SET); return(is_TIF); } SDL_Surface* IMG_LoadCUR_RW(SDL_RWops *src) { /* FIXME: Is this a supported type? */ return LoadImageFromRWops(src, CFSTR("com.microsoft.cur")); } SDL_Surface* IMG_LoadICO_RW(SDL_RWops *src) { return LoadImageFromRWops(src, kUTTypeICO); } SDL_Surface* IMG_LoadBMP_RW(SDL_RWops *src) { return LoadImageFromRWops(src, kUTTypeBMP); } SDL_Surface* IMG_LoadGIF_RW(SDL_RWops *src) { return LoadImageFromRWops(src, kUTTypeGIF); } SDL_Surface* IMG_LoadJPG_RW(SDL_RWops *src) { return LoadImageFromRWops(src, kUTTypeJPEG); } SDL_Surface* IMG_LoadPNG_RW(SDL_RWops *src) { return LoadImageFromRWops(src, kUTTypePNG); } SDL_Surface* IMG_LoadTGA_RW(SDL_RWops *src) { return LoadImageFromRWops(src, CFSTR("com.truevision.tga-image")); } SDL_Surface* IMG_LoadTIF_RW(SDL_RWops *src) { return LoadImageFromRWops(src, kUTTypeTIFF); }