/* Simple DirectMedia Layer Copyright (C) 1997-2012 Sam Lantinga This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. */ #include "SDL_config.h" /* NSOpenGL implementation of SDL OpenGL support */ #if SDL_VIDEO_OPENGL_CGL #include "SDL_cocoavideo.h" #include #include #include #include "SDL_loadso.h" #include "SDL_opengl.h" #define DEFAULT_OPENGL "/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Libraries/libGL.dylib" int Cocoa_GL_LoadLibrary(_THIS, const char *path) { /* Load the OpenGL library */ if (path == NULL) { path = SDL_getenv("SDL_OPENGL_LIBRARY"); } if (path == NULL) { path = DEFAULT_OPENGL; } _this->gl_config.dll_handle = SDL_LoadObject(path); if (!_this->gl_config.dll_handle) { return -1; } SDL_strlcpy(_this->gl_config.driver_path, path, SDL_arraysize(_this->gl_config.driver_path)); return 0; } void * Cocoa_GL_GetProcAddress(_THIS, const char *proc) { return SDL_LoadFunction(_this->gl_config.dll_handle, proc); } void Cocoa_GL_UnloadLibrary(_THIS) { SDL_UnloadObject(_this->gl_config.dll_handle); _this->gl_config.dll_handle = NULL; } SDL_GLContext Cocoa_GL_CreateContext(_THIS, SDL_Window * window) { NSAutoreleasePool *pool; SDL_VideoDisplay *display = SDL_GetDisplayForWindow(window); SDL_DisplayData *displaydata = (SDL_DisplayData *)display->driverdata; NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute attr[32]; NSOpenGLPixelFormat *fmt; NSOpenGLContext *context; int i = 0; pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; #ifndef FULLSCREEN_TOGGLEABLE if (window->flags & SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN) { attr[i++] = NSOpenGLPFAFullScreen; } #endif attr[i++] = NSOpenGLPFAColorSize; attr[i++] = SDL_BYTESPERPIXEL(display->current_mode.format)*8; attr[i++] = NSOpenGLPFADepthSize; attr[i++] = _this->gl_config.depth_size; if (_this->gl_config.double_buffer) { attr[i++] = NSOpenGLPFADoubleBuffer; } if (_this->gl_config.stereo) { attr[i++] = NSOpenGLPFAStereo; } if (_this->gl_config.stencil_size) { attr[i++] = NSOpenGLPFAStencilSize; attr[i++] = _this->gl_config.stencil_size; } if ((_this->gl_config.accum_red_size + _this->gl_config.accum_green_size + _this->gl_config.accum_blue_size + _this->gl_config.accum_alpha_size) > 0) { attr[i++] = NSOpenGLPFAAccumSize; attr[i++] = _this->gl_config.accum_red_size + _this->gl_config.accum_green_size + _this->gl_config.accum_blue_size + _this->gl_config.accum_alpha_size; } if (_this->gl_config.multisamplebuffers) { attr[i++] = NSOpenGLPFASampleBuffers; attr[i++] = _this->gl_config.multisamplebuffers; } if (_this->gl_config.multisamplesamples) { attr[i++] = NSOpenGLPFASamples; attr[i++] = _this->gl_config.multisamplesamples; attr[i++] = NSOpenGLPFANoRecovery; } if (_this->gl_config.accelerated >= 0) { if (_this->gl_config.accelerated) { attr[i++] = NSOpenGLPFAAccelerated; } else { attr[i++] = NSOpenGLPFARendererID; attr[i++] = kCGLRendererGenericFloatID; } } attr[i++] = NSOpenGLPFAScreenMask; attr[i++] = CGDisplayIDToOpenGLDisplayMask(displaydata->display); attr[i] = 0; fmt = [[NSOpenGLPixelFormat alloc] initWithAttributes:attr]; if (fmt == nil) { SDL_SetError ("Failed creating OpenGL pixel format"); [pool release]; return NULL; } context = [[NSOpenGLContext alloc] initWithFormat:fmt shareContext:nil]; [fmt release]; if (context == nil) { SDL_SetError ("Failed creating OpenGL context"); [pool release]; return NULL; } /* * Wisdom from Apple engineer in reference to UT2003's OpenGL performance: * "You are blowing a couple of the internal OpenGL function caches. This * appears to be happening in the VAO case. You can tell OpenGL to up * the cache size by issuing the following calls right after you create * the OpenGL context. The default cache size is 16." --ryan. */ #ifndef GLI_ARRAY_FUNC_CACHE_MAX #define GLI_ARRAY_FUNC_CACHE_MAX 284 #endif #ifndef GLI_SUBMIT_FUNC_CACHE_MAX #define GLI_SUBMIT_FUNC_CACHE_MAX 280 #endif { GLint cache_max = 64; CGLContextObj ctx = [context CGLContextObj]; CGLSetParameter (ctx, GLI_SUBMIT_FUNC_CACHE_MAX, &cache_max); CGLSetParameter (ctx, GLI_ARRAY_FUNC_CACHE_MAX, &cache_max); } /* End Wisdom from Apple Engineer section. --ryan. */ [pool release]; if ( Cocoa_GL_MakeCurrent(_this, window, context) < 0 ) { Cocoa_GL_DeleteContext(_this, context); return NULL; } return context; } int Cocoa_GL_MakeCurrent(_THIS, SDL_Window * window, SDL_GLContext context) { NSAutoreleasePool *pool; pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; if (context) { SDL_WindowData *windowdata = (SDL_WindowData *)window->driverdata; NSOpenGLContext *nscontext = (NSOpenGLContext *)context; if (window->flags & SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN) { #ifndef FULLSCREEN_TOGGLEABLE if (window->flags & SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN) { [nscontext setFullScreen]; } else #endif { [nscontext setView:[windowdata->nswindow contentView]]; [nscontext update]; } } [nscontext makeCurrentContext]; } else { [NSOpenGLContext clearCurrentContext]; } [pool release]; return 0; } int Cocoa_GL_SetSwapInterval(_THIS, int interval) { NSAutoreleasePool *pool; NSOpenGLContext *nscontext; GLint value; int status; pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; nscontext = [NSOpenGLContext currentContext]; if (nscontext != nil) { value = interval; [nscontext setValues:&value forParameter:NSOpenGLCPSwapInterval]; status = 0; } else { SDL_SetError("No current OpenGL context"); status = -1; } [pool release]; return status; } int Cocoa_GL_GetSwapInterval(_THIS) { NSAutoreleasePool *pool; NSOpenGLContext *nscontext; GLint value; int status; pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; nscontext = [NSOpenGLContext currentContext]; if (nscontext != nil) { [nscontext getValues:&value forParameter:NSOpenGLCPSwapInterval]; status = (int)value; } else { SDL_SetError("No current OpenGL context"); status = -1; } [pool release]; return status; } void Cocoa_GL_SwapWindow(_THIS, SDL_Window * window) { NSAutoreleasePool *pool; NSOpenGLContext *nscontext; pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; /* FIXME: Do we need to get the context for the window? */ nscontext = [NSOpenGLContext currentContext]; if (nscontext != nil) { [nscontext flushBuffer]; } [pool release]; } void Cocoa_GL_DeleteContext(_THIS, SDL_GLContext context) { NSAutoreleasePool *pool; NSOpenGLContext *nscontext = (NSOpenGLContext *)context; pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; [nscontext clearDrawable]; [nscontext release]; [pool release]; } #endif /* SDL_VIDEO_OPENGL_CGL */ /* vi: set ts=4 sw=4 expandtab: */