There is a script in the Cygwin/build-scripts folder for generating a series of GNU makefiles for building the SDL2 project and some parts of its test suite. These work similarly to the MinGW makefiles, but the overall Cygwin project has significant limitations. The current project will not build correctly. It's experimental and has a lot of tweaking needed to be built. It was built successfully once, but it has not been maintained in any way. The Cygwin project is limited in that it is not expected to be able to run anything visual at all. It is not difficult to enable all of the visual tests and support (such as X11 support or OpenGL), but it is not a goal for this project. For the complexity of having a compatible desktop environment setup on Cygwin, it's assumed that will not be the case for most users of the generated Cygwin project. As a result, only the core tests and library are built for Cygwin, focusing on things like thread support, file operations, and various system queries and information gathering. The Cygwin directory does have automated tests to run through the tests supported by Cygwin. It also has separate build scripts for both debug and release builds, though this is assuming the GNU make utility is located in the user's PATH. The Cygwin project has no outstanding dependencies, since it is designed to be mostly minimalistic and just relied on the POSIX functionality provided by Cygwin. Like the other projects, you may cleanup the entire directory of any generated or built files using the clean script located in Cygwin/build-scripts.