#!/bin/bash function pause() { read -p "$*" } function pass() { if [ -d "$1/Build/Debug" ]; then cd $1/Build/Debug echo "Testing:" $1 "./$@" cd ../../.. pause "Press any key to continue..." fi } function randomfile() { fcount=($1/*.*) fcount=${#fcount[@]} fpick=$(($RANDOM % $fcount)) for d in $1/*.*; do if [[ $fpick -eq 0 ]]; then RETURN=$d echo $d return fi fpick=$(($fpick - 1)) done } function testspecial() { if [ -d "$1/Build/Debug" ]; then cd $1/Build/Debug randomfile $2 cd ../../.. pass $1 $RETURN fi } # change to directory above shell file SCRIPTPATH=`readlink -f $0` SCRIPTDIR=`dirname $SCRIPTPATH` cd $SCRIPTDIR/.. cd tests pass "checkkeys" pass "loopwave" pass "testatomic" pass "testaudioinfo" pass "testautomation" pass "testdraw2" pass "testchessboard" pass "testerror" pass "testfile" pass "testfilesystem" pass "testgamecontroller" pass "testgesture" pass "testgl2" pass "testgles" pass "testhaptic" pass "testiconv" pass "testime" pass "testintersection" pass "testjoystick" pass "testkeys" #pass "testloadso" pass "testlock" pass "testmessage" #pass "testmultiaudio" pass "testnative" pass "testoverlay2" pass "testplatform" pass "testpower" pass "testrelative" pass "testrendercopyex" pass "testrendertarget" pass "testresample" "sample.wav" "newsample.wav" "44100" pass "testrumble" pass "testscale" pass "testsem" 1 pass "testshader" testspecial "testshape" ./shapes testspecial "testshape" ./shapes testspecial "testshape" ./shapes pass "testsprite2" pass "testspriteminimal" pass "teststreaming" pass "testthread" pass "testtimer" pass "testver" pass "testwm2" pass "torturethread" cd ..